Chapter Nineteen

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[ Chapter 19 ]

The sun which once shone over the earth like an overwhelming light, now seemed to be slowly fading as the day rang its end. The sky being a mix of oranges, reds, and blues. The atmosphere was a gentle one, only the heat of summer bringing discomfort, while also providing warmth.

Only hours away, the men could not help but think.

Soon it would all come to an end.

The base which they housed was filled to the brim with men, soldiers, and the strongest of knights. Separated by position and rank, the base which towered like a fortress, and was as sturdy as castle was situated with a large army, one numbering in the thousands.

So large that they had to extend their camp to the ground outside. What seemed to be a large campaign was surrounded by an all time high feeling, courtesy of the men in and outside. For the battle ahead they did not fear, welcoming it.

"Finally! This whole mess will end." One exclaimed.

"The king will be leading us, along with the whole roundtable!" Another followed.

"And, It's up to us to open the battle!" Someone else finished.

For the battle ahead, one that had been long awaited by soldiers and commoners alike meant much to many. As, it would signal the end of this long war. Many would finally be able to return home if they made it out with their lives. What a joy the thought was to them. The fear of what awaited hadn't greeted them yet.

Men of rank could be seen instructing and going over what would occur, for not a single mistake could be made. Barking and commanding their men not to fail, the area was full of sound. Lively as spring. Many could be seen running around, making sure everything was in check. As what would come was only days away.

The army led by Arthur had been split into many divisions, each given a role, yet unlike the battles before. His knights, once crowned members of the roundtable, would be directly under him. With a certain group being led under both the command of their general, and that of the king. "The Hound of Arthur" would be under the command of his king, alongside the famed "Solar Knight".

As the men below trained, spoke, and planned, from above, atop a balcony that was a part of the sturdy walls, was a man peering down at them. Unnoticed by those who were focused by activities down below, he has the area to himself. Watching those down below.

Ten years... Well, I guess time really does fly by. He thought.

With gold eyes that watched on with interest, the man had a small smile on his face, letting out a small chuckle at his thoughts. Towering above everyone in the area, the man had long wild red magenta hair that went past his back, a lion's mane almost. Giving him a wild look only added to his build, as even while dressed, one could notice that his body was a strong and sturdy one. His looks could no longer be called that of a teen or young adult, having the face of a man, one who knew battle, though it seemed he still retained his charm and looks.

At the young age of twenty seven, Sir Y/n was on his way to looking like a fine man. One even the noble's daughters would fight for. An aura of maturity surrounding him. Standing at the height of Six foot Six, he reached into the range of two meters. A wild man.

In two days this whole thing will be over, can't say I'm not a little nervous. Y/n thought, overlooking those he would be leading, for what felt like his last time doing so. I guess I thought this part of my life wouldn't end, but... I guess Londinium, the lair of Vortigern, is where it might all end.

Y/n found himself feeling a little naive, or maybe even foolish for not thinking further, or atleast addressing it. In two days, the war would reach its culmination. "The Red Dragon" and "White Dragon" would finally clash against each other. And, he would be in his king's corner.

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