Chapter Two

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[ Chapter Two ]

Dreams, they're a sacred place to us. A world outside the life we live. Our oftentimes boring, uninteresting, miniscule lives are thrown out the door when we dream. Amazing, isn't it? That by laying our head to rest one can enter another world, one of wonder, grand adventure, a world where you can live a life far more interesting than your actual one. Yet, only for a couple of hours. Yes that is the problem with dreams, they only last us for so long. They only seem to remain for mere minutes, the flashes of what occurred in those dreams being the only way we can recount what happened during that time, after we awake by day break.

Yet we have grown accustomed to the gift we have been given. Our ability to enter the other world, the one of dreams, has been whittled down to a common occurrence. The dreams we have only being of note when something truly strange, life altering, or special happens within. Often forgetting the boring ones, as they're a reminder of the world we live in.

While the importance of dreams have become watered down, there are many who still hold them in high regard. History, while often forgotten and repeated, shows how valuable dreams are. Prophets, kings, and even gods have all found themselves impacted by the world of dreams.

But what is most interesting about dreams is their unique power. They have the power to show one...

The past.

The present.

And, even the future.

A veil like gray fog was spread out in front of them. Like a soft gray wall, the fog was spread out in front of them, blocking both their way, and eyes from peering further. Like a gate, it prevented them from stepping beyond the set boundary. It was a common occurrence for them to see this, so they weren't surprised in the least. This was normal.

With a swipe of their hand, the ever stretching seemingly infinite fog was torn, ripped in two like a piece of paper. Slowly the gray fog vanished, leaving in its wake a new world for them to see. They upon seeing this world, found themselves floating over its land. A soft, feminiene giggle came out from them. They certainly were female. After a moment, she inspected the world she was in.

Beautiful, a place of serenity, those would be the words to describe where she was in. The sky was a natural baby blue, its hue being the lightest shades of blue she had seen up to that point. The clouds that seemed to grow the longer they went out were centered around one point in the sky, its middle that formed an empty circle that expanded outwards. The ground below being covered in lush, vibrant fields of grass that went seemed to venture forever. The land reminded her of a place most sacred, one unknown to war, only knowing peace. Almost completely silent. It was tranquil. The feeling was something she fed off of.

Her attention was brought back to the clouds once again, as when looking at the circle, it was seemingly pointing downwards to something at ground level. Following the direction with her eyes, she saw it. A large tree seemed to be placed right in the middle of this world. Her lips curved upwards.

Descending down to the ground, she felt her shoes touch the grass. Beginning to stare towards the tree that seemed to be a walk away, it was atop a small hill, something she hadn't noticed before. Nevertheless, she began her walk towards the tree, it was the only thing of note in this world.

The closer she came, the closer a small figure came into her view. It was a child, a boy at that. She noticed that the child bared a striking resemblance to someone she knew. That only caused her to increase the speed at which she walked at, hoping before the world ends that she'll at least be able to speak to him.

He was a cute one, she thought. The boy had a book in his hands, a smile plastered on his face, delighted with the reading material. Reaching the hills top, she began walking up to the child, the boy who's gold eyes were fixed on his book didn't even notice her presence.

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