Chapter Six

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[ Chapter 6 ]

"My apologies, my name is Morgan Le Fay. Sir, may I have yours?"

The question hadn't registered in his head as he found himself frozen in place, his eyes a little wide. The rushing feeling that had filled, and swirled in him like rushing water had begun to slow down. This was out of character for him, yet just seeing the woman in question had seemed to bring his world to a stop. Was it due to her relation to Arthur that caused this? Does that mean this feeling was tied to the Pendragons? Was it her appearance, figure? Or, was there something more going on.

The questions raced through his head, each trying to be the answer he was looking for. But, as he calmed down and regained his bearings, he was able to get a better look at her.

Morgan was a woman who looked to be in her mid twenties with long pale blonde hair that ran down past her waist. A pale of familiar, and recognizable emerald green eyes. Paired with her alluring figure, which could put most women to shame. She was dressed in a black dress that exposed part of her breasts and abdomen which had red tattoo like markings, and her upper arms. Lining the dress were blue lining and patterns. Yet, what stuck most, aside from her eyes(Which had the look of a ruler placed in them), was the black head piece atop her head, having the addition of blue crystals atop it.

Ya know, now that I get a good look at her... If she was a couple inches shorter, I would've thought Arthur had a twin sister. But... Why the hell does this keep happening? It's not a bad feeling, no I feel a little happy even, but this isn't normal. Maybe, maybe like with Arthur, it could be fate pulling me forward... Cr-crap I should probably greet her, she's looking at me like somethings wrong. Y/n thought, quickly fixing his posture. Giving a charming smile, he walked up to the woman, putting out his hand.

"Nice to meet ya, the name is Y/n. Arthur told me he had a sister a little before we arrived, but I didn't expect you to blow my expectations out of the park right out the gate." Y/n said, before Morgan shook his hand. He couldn't bring himself to do the whole bow and hand kiss greeting, it wasn't his style.

"The pleasure is mine, sir Y/n. You must be a part of my brother's party, yes, I believe you were the one described as the brute of the group." Morgan said, her voice was lady-like, even with the humor at the end of her sentence. Her posture being better than Y/n himself, having the stance of someone with confidence.

'Oh? I'm being called a brute, I guess that fits. Tell me, what is a woman like yourself standing out here all alone. I love nature as much as anyone, but I'm sure someone like you has much better things to do?" Y/n asked, looking the courtyard over before taking his eyes back to Morgan who he found smiling.

"Yes, you're correct. But, my reason for being here can wait, the King has much more important matters to attend to. For now I would prefer to wait for my time in peace. But since you asked me, may I know the reasons for you being here? I'm sure my brother's knights should always remain close to him." Morgan said, looking up at the red head. The woman only reached up to his shoulders.

"Ah that, yeah I was bored. That whole talk didn't really interest me, so I guess walking around this castle was a far better option. Besides, I'm sure that brat can handle himself, not like he didn't break my arm before." Y/n said confidently, surprising Morgan by the news.

"You fought the king? Why would my brother's own knight challenge him? Are you both a brute and a fool?" Morgan asked, confused, before quickly putting a hand to her mouth realizing she had just insulted Y/n.

"Of course not, it was an agreed upon duel that may have gotten outta hand. Besides, I thought someone of royalty would be a little kinder, it seems like every brit I meet has it out for me." Y/n said, jokingly. Still, the Irishman was a little confused on why these people always thought bad about him upon first meeting.

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