Chapter Seventy One

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Dogs of War [ Chapter 71 ]: Arc Four.

Title: [ Life and Death. ]







Much like a month comes, it must also pass. And it is no different in this land. With the arrival of a young upstart came the beginnings of her time under the Kingdom's finest. And today was no different.

"Haa!" Charging forward with the legendary golden spear in her hands, her body flew over Gareth's as the more experienced squire raised her large silver shield above her head as the tip of the spear cut into and left a long scratch over it.

"S-she's very fast-agile!" Gareth exclaimed in between breaths, shifting her weight before turning around and bringing her left arm down as her shield once again quickly blocked the wide swing delivered by the armored Mordred. Moving back from the force, her feet stayed on the ground as the younger sister prepared herself for another charge.

"...Strong too," The girl commented as she noted the stone floor had cracked under Mordred's blows, a bit worried the floor would collapse and send them tumbling through the castle if things continued. Focusing back on the girl in front of her, Gareth felt a little annoyed by the almost childish behavior she was currently seeing as Mordred spun Ortstein in her right hand and raised her left like she was some magnificent villain.

"Wahaha! I got ya on the ropes, ay Gareth?" Mockery and pride laced her voice along with childlike glee at doing well. Strong like a bull, fast like a cheetah, and agile like a bat, Sir Mordred was certainly a talented knight in training. Managing to even hold the terribly heavy Orstein for a time.

( She could use some subtlety, you can read her attacks like a poem...) Gareth thought, her lips slightly curving down as she glanced at the golden spear in her opponent's hands. Raising her right arm as she fixed her lance into position before raising her shield in front of her for defense. In a moment the proud knight was on the move, performing a two-handed thrust as Gareth didn't dare try blocking the blow, knowing that Mordred's wicked strength along with Ortstein being one of the chosen weapons of Sir Y/n, would easily tear through both her shield and armor like paper. Instead, she anticipated the attack, allowing her enough time to quickly dash to the right and fire out her lance towards Mordred's right pauldron.

"Argh!" Slamming her left foot into the ground as her right turned and slid around towards the right as the left followed in tandem. She used the weight of her armor to stay in place before proceeding to whip around, raising her shoulders to match the height of the blow. Mordred spun around and clashed her spear against Gareth's lance, using her momentum and a burst of power to keep the girl at bay, knocking her back as she stumbled back before hitting someone behind her back first.

"Ah! Sore-'' Gareth was promptly and gently pushed back into the fight as Y/n chuckled.

"Keep at it, she's only got half the mind of a beast, haha," He noted as the girl paused for a moment, considering the words before nodding her head and jumping back into the fray.

Leaning back against the wall, Y/n felt his helmet hit the wall as he watched on. ( I mean, I'm not technically wrong, but she could be a bit more wise when making her moves. Brute strength isn't enough if your mind isn't capable of using it correctly... She packs a punch, but I was able to put her down quite easily just from the fact that she's a novice when it comes to strategy right now, though...her punches do tickle, heh. ) An hour into training the girls, he had been making keen observations throughout the process, even before requesting they spar with each other.

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