Chapter Forty Seven

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Dogs of War [ Chapter 47 ]: Arc Three.

Title: [ Twins are a handful, but it's so fun ]









"I gotcha this time!"

Amidst and hidden inside the great island called Britain, was there a magical forest. Its location was hidden from most, and with its location close to where the Fae resided, those who knew of its existence kept away from it, fearing the idea of provoking the fairies and the beasts that remained on its land. It was an area of lush greenery, with fruit trees spread as far as the eye could see, the magical energy surrounding the area doing much to cultivate the plant life.

Alongside the rivers and ponds that were filled with water, roamed magical beasts. If one were to ignore the danger the area presents, the beauty could easily be seen. And if they would venture further into it, deep and far into the forest, they would find a young girl training hard as she swung her wooden blade. Training in a small forest clearing that had morning sunlight shining through its opening.


"Too predictable, straighten that form and come at me again. Your dominant hand is for the power strikes, while the other should be used for quick attacks."

Falling on her butt and hitting the ground, the girl rubbed her eyes before quickly getting back up after hearing the commanding voice. Standing up, the little girl picked up her blade by the hand, holding it in her right hand. With golden blonde hair that was parted at her face, reaching down to her back, and with a set of eager emerald green eyes, the fair-skinned little girl grinned, ready to try again. Dressed in a long red-sleeved jacket with gold lining, her undershirt was black, matching her puffy shorts that stopped at her knees. Dressed in white stockings that covered her little legs, and wearing a matching pair of maroon-colored shoes, she padded her burgundy-colored belt and spoke.

"But Papa, I wanna fight as you do! Mom said you fought with both hands, like you were some savage beast!" The little girl said to her father, sounding excited at the thought of it, and hoping she could soon replicate such skill or rather savagery.

"Skoll... That's because your Papa tends to get hurt a lot. I don't want ya to be as good as me, I want you to be better. Anyways, you're still too young for me to teach you how to fight like that anyway, let's wait till you're around... I don't know, fifteen?" Y/n figured, giving a thinking expression as the little girl Skoll puffed her cheeks and pouted. "Yeah, just give it another decade or so..."

"Nuh-uh! I can do it now," Skoll said rather defiantly, waving her sword at her father as if to prove her point. "I'm stronger than all the other kids my age, so let me, please?" The girl continued, and true to her word, she did in fact look quite a bit older than what you would expect from a five-year-old, by at least a couple years actually...

"Oh, so ya wanna challenge your old man huh?" Y/n asked with a grin, puffing his chest out as he began walking around his daughter. "Tell you what honey, land one blow on me, and I'll teach you how to start using runes, sure, your sister will be jealous, but being first is everything, right?"

Hearing the offer, and thinking about it, Skoll with her little kid head believed she had a chance. Grinning in return, the two big and little monsters stared at each other. "Alright! But I want an extra portion of dinner too!" Skoll said in response as Y/n sweat dropped. Brushing some hair out of his face, he took a glance at the white and red strands in his right hand before letting them fall and hit the ground.

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