Chapter Sixty Nine

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Dogs of War [ Chapter 69 ]: Arc Four

Title: [ ###### ]







"I'm gonna get ya!" The boy boasted.

"No, you aren't, I'm quick like lighting!" The girl retorted.

Like mice, like hopping rabbits, the children ran up and down the room like a bunch of rodents, caring not for what they may hit. Up and down the wood floors, a duo of brother and sister played a game of tag in a large room that at the end led out to an open balcony that displayed the busy street below.

"...You two stop, please?" With dark eyes and midnight black hair, an older-looking boy sat at a small table with a voice filled with expecting defeat. With a book in his right hand and a face that knew they wouldn't listen, the pair of blondes promptly stopped and looked at him. Almost identical, say for the girl having shoulder-length hair, the blue-eyed duo flashed a pair of matching smiles and exclaimed.

"Alright! Agravain's it!" With sweet voices and pinchable cheeks, the pair known as Gareth and Gaheris appointed their older brother the role of seeker, earning a puzzled look from the boy who had simply wanted some peace and quiet.

"Huh? But I don't want to play some children's game?" Ah, how admirable he was, some would even call him mature for his age, yet the two blondes knew the truth. In face of his defiance, a grin was shared between them as they began running forward.

"Ok! Then we'll do it!" They exclaimed.

"Wha-what?! I said-dang it you two!" Surprised and quickly hoping to get out of his seat before the gremlins arrive and fly towards him like leaping lizards, the young and future knight of the roundtable dropped his book as he kicked out of his scene, moving out of the way just in time for Gareth to slide under the table and nearly grab his foot with her little claws.

"Haha! I almost got him!" Rolling out from under the table before dashing towards him, the young and typically reserved Agravain was quick on his feet today. Dodging his sister with a jump back, the young lord nearly found himself in shallow water as his younger brother Gaheris tried tagging him from behind. Spinning around before darting behind the nearest couch, the boy found his sister close to his right and brother close to his left as he only had the couch to block them.

"Knock it off you two! I'm trying to read," Agravain begged, dropping his shoulders once the two devils shook their heads. Darn, it!

"...Why must Gawain be absent at a time like this? No wait, those three all share the same mind...," Realizing his mistake, the black-haired boy shook his head as his siblings began closing in.

"Come on! It's boring being inside all day, just play for a little bit!" Gaheris pleaded, the short-haired Gareth look-a-like gave his brother an all-too-familiar pair of eyes, causing the older boy to hesitate as their sister moved in for the kill.

"...Get him!" The blond boy shouted as Agravain realized he had nearly been duped, proceeding to hop over the couch as his hands pressed into the top of it.

"I'm telling Mother if you two keep this up! Just let me go already, dang it!" Hitting the floor feet first, Agravain was near the balcony by this point, the midday sunlight falling into the room like a gentle room as outside the sound of a large crowd was as apparent as the frowns on his siblings' faces.

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