The final battle 2

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Salem stared down Ozpin and his forces while Hazel and Dr Watts prepared themselves for the fight. Hazel injects several dust shards into him while Dr Watts pulls out his revolver and begins to load it.

"So Ozpin you finally show yourself after all these years." Said Salem.

"It was only a matter of time before one of us lost." Replied Ozpin dryly.

Ozpin and Salem stare each other down until Salem fires a multi-colored beam at Ozpin while Ozpin fires a green beam right back at Salem. With Salem and Ozpin firing the first shots Hazel charged at the enemy while Dr Watts began to fire at them while Ozpin's forces fired back.

Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang were handily beating Emerald and Mercury until Mercury began firing off bullets from his boots guns and Emerald using her semblance created several more bullet illusions forcing team RWBY to back off and take cover from the storm of bullets. Now with some breathing room Emerald and Mercury began taking stock of their situation. Salem's plant had failed Cinder was currently fighting two opponents, the Nazgul were preoccupied with their own problems and now they were currently fighting a full team of huntsman, huntsman in training but huntsman regardless.

"Mercury we gotta get out of here!" Said Emerald as she reloaded her two guns.

"How? Our best way of getting out of here got shot out of the sky!" Said Mercury as he kept an eye out for team RWBY.

Before anything else could be said or done Mercury and Emerald had to jump out of the way of several bullets and ice shards. The two of them looked over to where team Rwby was and saw them charging right at them. Yang fired several shots from her gauntlet separating Emerald and Mercury. Causing Mercury to face off against Yang and Blake while Emerald was forced to fight against Ruby and Weiss. Mercury had to Dodge the furious swings of Yang and the sword thrusts of Blake all while he tried to fire back at them, Emerald tried using her semblance to throw Ruby and Weiss off but the two of them weren't tricked by Emeralds illusions quickly destroying them they went straight for Emerald who barely dodged Ruby and Weiss's attacks forcing her on the back foot. Eventually Emerald and Mercury were forced to fight back to back against team Rwby. Mercury tried to drop kick Yang however she simply punched him in the face launching him backwards, Emerald launched herself at Ruby attempting to attack her with the two blades attached to her weapons however she was launched backwards by one of Weiss glyphs. Emerald avd Mercury slammed into each other instantly knocking the both of them out.

Team Bots and Ren and Nora were fiercely fighting against the Nazgul, Thor was able to crush one but there were still eight of them to deal with. Basilisk was in a fierce duel against two of the Nazgul. Osiris and Siren we're busy dodging and attacking two of the Nazgul until Osiris got an idea, grabbing Siren she quickly jumped away from the Nazgul, while in the air she transformed her bo staff form and began firing dust-tipped arrows at the two Nazgul. A flurry of arrows hit the Nazgul and around them causing plumes of fire to shoot up or Vines to spontaneously grow from the ground or freeze the ground. Ren fired his pistols at the Nazgul while Nora transformed her Hammer to its grenade launcher form and began firing grenades at the Nazgul and Thor swung his electrically charged Hammer at one of the charging Nazgul. The Nazgul for the most part were able to Dodge Ren's bullets however they weren't able to dodge the shrapnel Nora's grenades made.

While the shrapnel dug into the Nazgul they continued to charge at Ren, Nora, and Thor. Once one of the Nazgul was in range Thor swung his electrically charged hammer smashing it into one of the Nazgul electrocuting them while sending them flying into a pile of scrap metal. Now in melee range Nora changes her grenade launcher back to its hammer mode and begins swinging at the Nazgul, Ren charges at them slashing at them with his weapons. Ren locked blades with one of the Nazgul the two of them tried to overpower the other but eventually Ren oriented his gun blades in a way where he was able to fire into the Nazgul instantly killing it. Ren looked down to the now dead Nazgul and noticed that instead of a corpse he saw it slowly dissipating like the creatures of Grimm. Thor and Nora were fighting back to back against the Nazgul. The Nazgul weaved and dodged Nora and Thor's swings, eventually one of them nearly reached Nora, however Thor simply grabbed him and threw him. Now only facing two Nazgul Nora and Thor smirk menacingly before charging at the two Nazgul.

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