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Unlike other Grimm like the Beowulf and the Ursa that appeared similar to animals the Nuckelavee was a twisted abomination of man and horse. The beast was covered in bone like armor unlike other Grimm it was more skeletal in appearance, the horse half looked emaciated with rib like protrusions coming out of his chest and a skull like mask a top its head with two piercing yellow eyes, and where a rider would be on a horse sat the upper half of a human torso fused to the horse. It had two unnaturally long arms and at the end of both were three fingered claws, and upon its back were several Spears, swords and half a dozens of arrows embedded into it, yet the beast not seem bothered by it, and where the head would be was a skull like mask with two colossal horns on top of its head.

The Nuckelavee strode into the main plaza, while the human half laid over the horse's back as if it was playing dead. Until suddenly it came to a stop and the human half began to sporadically twitch and suddenly it rose up from the horse's back and let out an ear piercing screech that could be heard for miles around. Qrow, Team RNJR and team Bots raise their weapons, preparing themselves for what is to come. The Nuckelavee, seeing the strongest opponent struck first launching one of its humanly long hands straight at Qrow, Qrow was given no time and was sent flying through several destroyed buildings. The Nuckelavee, seeing that the strongest opponent in its way was gone, quickly turned to the two remaining teams. It then began charging straight at who it believed to be the weakest one's in the two groups Jaune and Osiris. The beast charged at the two however before it could even reach them Ren placed his hand upon the ground and activated his semblance. With his semblance activated Jaunes and Osiris emotions were nullified, confusing the Nuckelavee.

"Get out of there!" shouted Ren.

Jaune and Osiris quickly got out of the way of the Nuckelavee, with their two friends out of the way the two teams began to attack the beast. Nora fired several explosions at the beast while Ruby transformed her scythe to it's sniper mode and began firing at it, while Basilisk and Thor charged at the beast and Siren and Osiris launched range attacks at it hoping to distract it while her teammates win for the kill, while Ren ran around the beast firing at it.

Thor powered up his hammer to the point where it was discharging large quantities of lightning and then he charged at the beast screaming a war cry. "Valhalla!!!"

Siren noticed that the Nuckelavee raised up one of its hands and launched them at Thor while he was running at it. "Thor watch out!"

However Thor noticed too late and was sent flying across the courtyard.

"Guys! Don't stay still, keep moving, go in a circle!" Shouted Jaune.

The two teams ran around the Nuckelavee dodging its attacks until Jaune attacked one of the Nuckelavee's back legs. The beast was uninjured and simply kicked him back sending him several yards away from it. Jaune, seeing that his sword alone won't be enough to harm the beast, equipped his sword sheath and with that his sword was reinforced and able to harm the Nuckelavee. Done playing with its prey the Nuckelavee let out an ear piercing screech before launching one of its arms at Ren. Ren had no chance of dodging the attack and was immediately pinned to one of the destroyed buildings Nora seeing this immediately charged the Nuckelavee. Seeing this the Nuckelavee launches its other hand at Nora pinning her to the same building that Ren was pinned to. Seeing that two of its prey was pinned to the building the Nuckelavee then flung Nora away from the group. Nora flies until she crashes into the destroyed streets below causing her Aura to break and her weapon to go flying from her hands, Ren seeing this broke Free from the Nuckelavee and proceeded to charge at the beast.

"Ren, what are you doing?!" Shouted a concerned Jaune.

However Ren ignored him and continued charging at the beast. Unbothered by the huntsman charging him the Nuckelavee simply smacked him aside with one of his arms causing him to land right next to Nora. The Nuckelavee was about to charge the two downed huntsmen however it was immediately stopped by Siren using her Trident to fire blasts of water at the beast and Osiris firing dust-tipped arrows at it as well. With the beast distracted Nora was able to grab Rin and drag him underneath one of the destroyed buildings. Upon waking up Ren immediately tried to re-enter the fight however he was stopped by Nora grabbing his hand.

"Nora, let go! Nora, they're going to get hurt if we don't-" Said Ren before Nora slapped him.

"No. I won't let you kill yourself like this. After everything we've been through, I won't let it end. Not like this." Said Nora.

Understanding what Nora means, Ren proceeded to grab his father's dagger that he had on his boot.

"We can do this." Said a determined Nora.

The two of them then get out from underneath the destroyed building and regroup with their friends.

"Jaune and I can take care of its arms." Said Ruby.

"I can take care of the horse." Said a determined Nora.

"And we'll take care of its legs." said Basilisk while Osiris, Thor and Siren stood behind him.

"And I'll take care of the rest." Said Ren.

Nora made her way up one of the destroyed buildings while Jaune and Ruby distracted the Nuckelavee causing it to launch one of its arms at Ruby however this is exactly what she wanted. She quickly dodged out of the way of the Grimm attack and using her scythe pinned the beast's arm to the ground. Jaune seeing that the Nuckelavee was open charged at it the Nuckelavee seeing Jaune charging at it launched its other arm at Jaune however Ren using Jaune shield pen the beast arm to the ground giving Jaune the chance to use his sword and permanently pin it to the ground leaving the Nuckelavee wide Open. Seeing the beast penned team BOTS quickly rushed in and made quick work of the Nuckelavee's legs.

"Nora!" Shout it out Ren.

With the signal given Nora proceeded to jump off of the building that she had climbed up, she then pulled out her hammer and feet away from the Nuckelavee she swung her Hammer at the Nuckelavee's horse head permanently disabling the beast. Ren then walked up to the beast with his dagger in hand.

"For my mother." Thought Ren as he sliced off the left arm of the Nuckelavee.

The Nuckelavee then proceeds to let out a shriek of pain, however Ren is not bothered and he merely grabs one of the beast's horns. "For my father." Thought Ren as he sliced off the right arm of the Nuckelavee.

The Nuckelavee let out an ear piercing screech as its remaining arm was sliced off; however, Ren did not care. "For all those that you have slain." Thought Ren as he sliced the Nuckelavee's gut.

"For myself." And in one swift motion the Nuckelavee's head was severed from its neck killing the abomination once and for all.

"We did it! we did it!" Said an excited Nora before tackle hugging Ren.

With the battle over, Ruby quickly searched throughout a destroyed Town looking for her uncle; it didn't take long until she found him leaning against a destroyed home.

"It's quiet. Good job, kiddo." Said Qrow before he fell back into unconsciousness.

"Guys! I think I heard something!" Shouted Jaune.

With that two Mistral bullheads proceeded to land in the destroyed Town center. With that the two teams boarded the bullheads.

"How did you find us out here?" Asked Jaune.

"We were on patrol and saw the smoke. Nobody's been out here for years, thought something might be wrong." Answered one of the bullhead pilots.

The two bullheads flew throughout the sky until they came across the city of Mistral, the two teams were in awe of the great city that was perched atop one of the great mountains on the continent. And while this was happening no one noticed that Ren and Nora held hands. We then cut to Atlas where we see Weiss in a hangar Bay talking to a pilot of a bullhead.

"Okay, you can hide out back in the cargo bay. I'll take you as far as I can, but if we get caught, you're on your own. Understood? Said the bullhead pilot.

Weiss simply shook her head understanding what the bullhead pilot had said.

We then cut to Yang on her motorcycle riding through a forest until she came across a crossroads with a signpost with two signs on it. The first sign said Mistral well the second sign had the word bandits spray painted on it.

"You are in so much trouble when I find you." Said Yang as she drives her motorcycle down the road that had the bandit sign.

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