Battle in the sky

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It was a peaceful day at Beacon academy. However unlike other years where students and teachers would be at the academy this year Beacon was silent, but deep beneath the academy in its many secret vaults something important was happening.

Pyrrha dodged the incoming attack. Jumping several feet away she thrust her weapon forward stabbing into the enemy disabling them, causing her opponent to crash to the floor with a thug however her victory was short lived as a second opponent jumped at her from her left forcing her to dodge and just in time as one of the enemies blades were inches away from her face. Now several feet away from her opponent she raised up her arm and using her maiden Powers shot out an electrical blast at the enemy frying them. With all of her opponents defeated a mechanical voice sounded out.

"Simulation over. Pyrrha Nikos wins." Said the intercom.

"Well done Miss Nikos." Said Headmaster Ozpin entering the training room alongside Ambassador olives and Glynda GoodWitch.

"Thank you Headmaster." Said Pyrrha.

"Your training is coming along well. At this rate you will be ready to face our enemy within several months." Said Ambassador Olive.

"Thank you ambassador." Said Pyrrha.

"Well with this training session over I think you need a break Miss Nikos." Said Glynda GoodWitch.

"Indeed we cannot have you collapse in the middle of battle." Said ambassador olives.

"Yes I'll get on that." Said Pyrrha finally realizing how tired she actually was.

With that Pyrrha left the training room and Ozpin, Glynda GoodWitch and Ambassador Olive went back to the headmasters office. Entering the headmaster's office Glynda voiced her opinion on how Pyrrha was being trained.

"Ozpin, are you sure this is the right way to train Miss Nikos?" Asked a slightly concerned Glynda.

"Don't worry Glynda. The level of her training is necessary." Said Ozpin while taking his seat.

"That may be true Headmaster, however I do have to agree with Miss GoodWitch concerns we may be pushing her too hard." Said Ambassador Olive.

"Your concerns are valid, however we must train her vigorously if she is to succeed and survive in the upcoming conflict. I will not have one of my students die on the battlefield if I can help it." Said a Stern Ozpin.

"Understood Headmaster." Said Ambassador Olive.

"Good and how are preparations going?" Asked Headmaster Ozpin.

"Preparations are still underway however the forces we have now are ready for deployment." Said Ambassador Olive.

"Good." Said Headmaster Ozpin.

We cut to a machine repair shop where we saw several machines laying on tables. While other machines worked around the clock repairing they're damaged brethren one machine in particular was ready to leave however he requested that his self designation be changed.

"Are you sure that you want to change your self designation?" Asked the mechanic.

"Affirmative mechanic." Said the machine.

"All right then. Then what do you want your new self-designation to be?" Asked the mechanic.

"Jester." Answered the machine before giving out a hysterical laugh.

We cut to a bullhead flying over a lake with gravity dust embedded Islands floating in the air. We then see Weiss looking out the window of the bullhead cargo bay. Noticing some turbulence, she decided to ask the bullhead pilot.

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