First day of school

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While most students slept through the second night at Beacon Academy team bots didn't, not requiring sleep the four members of the team did various activities throughout the night Reorganizing, cleaning, and decorating, the room and maintaining their equipment, and some of them even studied, until 8:00 in the morning, Well heading to class the members walked past team Rwby dorm room Hearing a large amount of noise coming from the room Osiris walked over and knocked on the door.

"Hello, what's going on in there?" said a concerned Osiris.

After Osiris knocks on the door the door opens revealing Ruby behind it.

"Oh hey, what are you guys doing here?" said a confused Ruby.

"Well walking to class we walked past your dorm room and heard a lot of loud noises. Being a little concerned I wanted to check in on you guys." said Osiris.

"Wait, what do you mean classes?" said A confused Ruby.

"We have classes at 9 and it's 8:30." said Osiris.

After hearing this Ruby quickly shut the door Team Bots heard a commotion in the room until the door opened up again revealing Team rwby exiting the dorm And revealing the two incredibly unsafe bunk beds they've made, the first bunk bed had an ordinary bed on the ground however directly above it was a bunk bed tied to the ceiling using rope, the second bunk bed literally had the second bed stacked on top of it and used books as support.

"Are those things even safe to sleep in?" asked Thor.

"Of course they're safe." said Ruby while Weiss was muttering in the background about how unsafe they were.

After that Team rwby alongside team bots and team Jnpr made their way to their first class, After entering Professor ports class he begins his lesson by Mentioning how the Grimm have many names and how hunters and huntresses are meant to protect the people of remnant After which he begins a story about him in his young days, All this was going on Ruby Was doing various ridiculous things such as drawing a picture of Professor ports That's said professor poop, balancing various things on her fingertips, and even picking her nose annoying Weiss to no end, While all that is going on basilisk is listening to Professor port story and Osiris and siren are both taking notes and Thor is trying his best to stay invested in the story however he finds it incredibly boring.

"So who amongst you believe themselves to be a true Huntsman?" said Professor port.

"I do sir!" said Weiss while raising her hand up.

"As do I, professor." said Basilisk from the second row.

"Well then let's find out, Step forward and face your opponents." said Professor Port while gesturing over to a cage that held a boarbatusk.

The two students then left to get their equipment from the locker after a few minutes they returned and Weiss then entered the arena to face her opponent. As Weiss enters the arena her team cheers her on however she finds this incredibly annoying and shouts back annoyed. Professor Port then releases the boarbatusk from the cage and It quickly charges at Weiss however she swiftly dodges it, Weiss then charges at the boarbatusk however she gets her Rapier stuck within its tusks she tries to free it from the Beast however she is pushed aside and her Rapier goes flying behind it, The boarbatusk then charged however she quickly dodged it's attack and quickly retrieved her Rapier Ruby then shouted over to weiss to attack its underbelly due to its lack of armor there however Weiss disregarded this information, The Boarbatusk then did a Spin dash attack that Weiss Dodged, she then uses one of her glyphs to launch herself at the boarbatusk skewering the beast defeating it.

"Bravo bravo. It appears we are in the presence of a true Huntress in training." said Professor Port excitedly.

"Basilisk please step Forward to face your opponent." said Professor Port preparing another cage with another Boarbatusk in it.

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