Battles End

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We see the city of Vail engulfed in Carnage and brutal battles, the streets ran red with the blood of man and Faunus and thick plumes of dust from the disintegrating Grimm blocked out the night sky while damaged and destroyed machines litter the ground. While overhead Atlas gunships continue fighting against the vast swarms of Grimm's while the sentinels fought alongside them and the great Atlas and 01 fleet continued firing all weapons upon the vast Grimm flocks until the great Grimm wyvern appeared.

"Admiral! Enemy target approaching from the north. it's colossal!" Said one of the officers on the atlas flagship.

"Get me in contact with the flagship of the 01 battle group at once!" said the admiral.

"Yes admiral." said the communication officer.

It took a few minutes until the admiral ship was able to hail the head Aries warship.

"Admiral, you picked a very bad time to call." Said the AI in charge of the head Aries battleship.

"I know but we need to make a plan for that Grimm wyvern flying right at us if we don't stop it now it'll destroy the entire city!" Said the admiral.

"Your concern has been noted and written down admiral, however contingency plans have been put in place for this exact situation." Said the flagship AI.

"What do you mean contingency plans?" said the confused admiral.

"Merely look out at the flagship and behold one of the greatest weapons devised by machine kind." Said the flagship AI.

The admiral then turned to look outside at the machine flagship to see the front glowing brightly and in a flash and a loud crack one of the wyvern's wings was clipped causing the creature to spiral down and crash into the partially destroyed City below. Upon seeing what the flagship did the captain and his crew merely stood there in shock at what it had done.

"How... how is that even possible for a single ship to contain so much power!?" Said a shocked and terrified admiral.

Then the comms crackled back to life. "Behold the mighty beast has fallen. All we need to do is simply finish the job." Said the AI in charge of the flagship.

With that the shock then wore off and the admiral began ordering a ship to surface bombardment where the wyvern fell. We then cut over to Beacon where we see Blake standing in front of the burning lunchroom seeing Adam within.

"Running away again?" Asked Adam.

Blake merely looked back at Adam terrified of what he had caused.

"Is that what you become my love? a coward!" Asked Adam, shouting at the end.

"Why are you doing this?" Asked a terrified Blake.

"You and I were going to change the world, remember? We were destined to light the fire of revolution! Consider this the spark." Said Adam while stomping down on a student who got caught in the crossfire.

Adam then proceeds to attempt to stab the student however Blake quickly lunges at him with her weapon saving the students life.

"I'm not running!" Said a defiant Blake.

"You will." Said Adam menacingly.

Adam then proceeds to kick Blake to the floor, upon landing on the floor a creep noticed and attempted to attack her however Adam using a shotgun shot the beast killing it.

"But not, before you suffer for your betrayal, my love." Said Adam.

The scene then shifts to the beacon courtyard where we see various students fighting against two Geist's, ghost like Grimm capable of possessing inanimate objects, the students threw everything they had at the Geist's Weiss froze the beast's legs and Basilisk try to attack the Geist's however they quickly broke out of their icy prisons and knocked him aside Nora and Thor then proceeded to attack the Geist's from behind however it quickly backhanded them both into a wall.

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