A Helping Hand

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The scene opens up to the dorm room of team BOTS where we see two Atlas knights alongside two machine Androids guarding the room and inside the dorm we see ambassador olives and general Ironwood talking to the team.

"On behalf of the four kingdoms I must apologize for what happened." Said General Ironwood.

"Don't worry General, it isn't your fault for waiting so long to catch him." Said Basilisk.

"I know but you still got attacked and to save face with the public. I must be seen dealing with the two teams." Said General Ironwood.

"That may be true General but at least we have one of the culprits in custody." Said ambassador Olive.

"So now what's the plan?'' asked Thor leaning against one of the room's walls.

"For now Mercury black will stay within our custody until further notice and you four are to keep eyes on the two remaining culprits." Said ambassador Olive.

"Gotcha ambassador." said Thor.

With that The ambassador in general left the dorm room, Leaving team BOTS to themselves.

"Well you heard but the ambassador said got to keep an eye on the two remaining spies." Said basilisk.

"This might be a little trickier than expected since we don't know cinder's semblance." Said Osiris.

"That might be true Osiris but the amount of guards and sentinels 01 brought in and the atlas fleet should be more than enough to deal with the problem." Said Siren.

"I'm sure you're right Siren but I feel like she's hiding something." Said Osiris.

"And that is why we are spying on her to see if she has any backup plans or hidden accomplices." Said Basilisk.

We then cut to headmaster Ozpin's office where we see him alongside Glynda GoodWitch, General Ironwood, Qrow, ambassador olives and the Senate of 01.

"So have you got any information out of our guest?" Asked headmaster Ozpin.

"Negative headmaster the boy remains silent since his incarceration." Said ambassador Olive.

"I see and what about our two remaining guests?" Asked headmaster Ozpin.

"I have multiple men keeping a close eye on them." said General Ironwood.

"I too have multiple units keeping tabs on them in case they try anything headmaster, we also have multiple squads on standby in case they try anything." Said ambassador Olive.

"Good, and the border situation?" Said headmaster Ozpin looking out the window.

"The border situation is under control headmaster, with the reinforcements from the Aries class battleships the Grimm herds should be dealt with soon." Said ambassador Olive.

"Good, please inform me of any changes." Said headmaster Ozpin.

We then cut to later in the day outside of the lunchroom where we see Pyrrha leaning against the building, seeming sad until Jaune walked up with some cotton candy.

"It's not healthy but I think it still might do some good." Said Jaune, handing Pyrrha the cotton candy.

"Um... right. Thank you, Jaune." Said Pyrrha, taking the cotton candy.

Jaune, noticing how down Pyrrha is decides to sit next to her.

"You were the first person to ever believe in me, you know that? Even when I told my parents I was going to Beacon, they told me not to worry if I end up having to move back home. How depressing is that?" Said Jaune, sorrowfully.

"I'm sure... they didn't mean-" Said Pyrrha, before noticing Jaune was holding her hand.

"I guess I'm just trying to say that... you've always been there for me. Even when I didn't deserve it. And I can tell there's something on your mind, so... I dunno... how can I help?" Asked Jaune.

"You're already doing it." Said Pyrrha leaning on Jaunes shoulder.

"Jaune? I don't know what to do." Said Pyrrha, sitting back up.

"W-What do you mean?" Asked Jaune.

"Do you believe in destiny?" Asked Pyrrha.

"Um... I dunno. I guess that depends on how you view it." Said Jaune, unsure about the question.

"When I think of destiny... I don't think of a predetermined fate you can't escape. But rather... some sort of final goal. Something you work towards your entire life." Said Pyrrha.

"Okay, uh... yeah. I can see that, sure." Said Jaune.

"Well... what would you do if something came along that you never expected. Something that had the potential to stand between you and your destiny." Said Pyrrha.

"Like... what?" Asked Jaune.

"Or what if you could suddenly fulfill your destiny in an instant, but at the cost of who you were?" Said Pyrrha, distressed before standing up.

"Pyrrha, you're not making any sense." Said Jaune, confused about what Pyrrha is talking about.

"Quite an interesting dilemma isn't it Miss Nikos?" Said ambassador Olive.

Pyrrha upon hearing the ambassador she turned to see him a few feet down the way however Jaune not recognizing The voice was startled and upon seeing the ambassador was further terrified upon seeing a multi-armed multi-red-eyed robot.

"Ambassador, I didn't see you there." Said Pyrrha.

"Ambassador?" Said a shocked Jaune.

"Indeed Mr. Arc I am the ambassador for 01 and second in command of the vital festival security." Said ambassador Olive giving a half bow to Jaune.

"I see." said Jaune, slightly nervous.

"Good, now getting back on topic Miss Nikos I couldn't help it over here your conversation with your friend." Said ambassador Olive.

"You-you heard that?" said Pyrrha, slightly nervous.

"Indeed." Said ambassador Olive.

"So-so what do you want?" Asked Jaune, still nervous about the ambassador.

"I'm merely here to help." Said ambassador Olive.

Ambassador olives then turns to Pyrrha. Pyrrha is visibly nervous about what the ambassador has to say.

"Miss Nikos your situation is unprecedented and the first of its kind but you have loving friends that are willing to help you in your time of need, but if you are uncertain about this you may back out, you need not do this." Said ambassador Olive, trying to console Pyrrha.

"But what if you're wrong, what if I'm the only person that can do this!" Said Pyrrha clearly distressed.

"Miss Nikos as you said fate can be changed, this may or may not be your destiny but another will come it is inevitable, there's always an autumn after summer there is always a new spring after winter the seasons ebb and flow so shall this. But it is still your choice, Miss Nikos." Said ambassador olives, giving Pyrrha a half bow before walking off.

With the ambassador leaving Pyrrha took too hard what the ambassador said. We then cut to Amity coliseum later that day where we see Ruby sitting amongst the crowd until she noticed Cinder sitting amongst the crowd.

"Cinder is here? I thought she and her teammates were back at Beacon?" Thought Ruby.

Ruby then proceeds to get up from her chair and exit the arena until she notices one of the access doors was ajar, curious why it was slightly opened. Ruby entered the maintenance room, Ruby walked down the hall of the maintenance tunnel until she came across Emerald messing with some computer terminals.

"Emerald?" Said a confused Ruby.

An announcement played over the intercoms and what would be heard startled her. Pyrrha and Penny we're going to fight.

"Polarity and metal are quite the nasty combination don't you say?" Said Emerald getting into a Battle stance. 

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