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The scene opens up to show Jaune fighting Carden in Glynda's Combat class. Jaune Then charges at Carden, However Carden dodges and knocks Jaune Shield out of his hand, They both then charge at each other locking their weapons together.

"This is the part where you lose." said a confident Carden.

"Over My Dead." Said Jaune, Before Carden kicked him causing him to fall to the ground.

Carden then lifts up his Mace, intending to hit Jaune; however he is interrupted by Glynda.

"Students as you can see Mr. Arc's aura has dropped into the red, In a tournament style duel this would infer Jaune is no longer fit for battle and the official make all the match, Mr. Arc It's been two weeks now please refer to your scroll when in combat, Gauging your aura will tell you when it's appropriate to attack or when it's better to move to a more defensive strategy." said Glynda.

Jaune Then looked at his scroll dejectedly.

"We wouldn't want you getting gobbled up by a Beowulf now what we?" said Glynda.

"Speak for yourself." said an annoyed Carden.

Glynda then walks to the front of the stage and announces that the vital Festival is a few months away and that students from other kingdoms will be coming to the festival as well. She also said for the students to continue practicing for the Festival. The bell then rang and the students began to leave for their next class. We Then cut to team bots Talking about the festival.

"So what do you guys think about the festival?" Asked Osiris.

"It seems interesting." said basilisk.

"Well I think it's wonderful. A festival to celebrate the cultures and kingdoms of the world." said siren.

"Not to mention the fights! I just can't wait!" said an overly excited Thor.

"There's that too." said Osiris.

After their conversation team bots continue on to the lunch room we then cut to team rwby and team jnpr's Table

"So there we were in the middle of the night." said Nora.

"It was day." said Ren.

"We were surrounded by ursa." said Nora.

"They were Beowulf's." said Ren.

"Dozens of them!" said Nora.

"Two of them." said Ren.

"But they were no match and in the end me and Ren took them down and made a boatload of Leane off of ursa skin rugs." said Nora.

"She's been having this recurring dream for nearly a month now." said Ren.

After listening to Nora's story Pyrrha looks over at Jaune And sees that he is bothered by something.

"Jaune Is everything alright? Asked Pyrrha.

"Oh yeah everything's all right." said Jaune.

"It's just you seem a little not okay.'' said Ruby.

"Guys I'm fine, seriously look." said Jaune, Giving a thumbs-up and a fake smile.

"Jaune, Carden been picking on you since the first week of school." said Pyrrha.

"Who Carden Winchester? No, he just likes practical jokes." said Jaune, waving the problem off.

"He's a Bully." said Ruby.

"Name one time he bullied me." said Jaune.

They then began listing off the times that Carden bullied him, The first one where he knocked his books out of his hand, The second he caused His shield to extend and cause him to slam into it and the third time was Carden shoving him into the rocket locker and sending it off.

"I didn't land far from the school." said Jaune.

"Jaune If you need any help you can just ask." said Pyrrha.

"We can break his legs." said Nora.

"Guys relax, it's not Just that he's a jerk to me, he's a jerk to everybody." said Jaune.

"Hey guys." said Osiris with team Bots.

"Oh hey Osiris." said Ruby waving back at them.

Team bots Then took their seats alongside teams rwby and jnpr.

"So what are you guys up to?" asked Siren.

"Just talkin about Carden." said Pyrrha.

"I hate that guy. He thinks he's better than everyone, And he thinks he can do whatever he wants." Said Basilisk.

The group then heard a Yelp looking over they saw Carden and his goons picking on a fauna student.

"Atrocious, I can't stand people like him." said Pyrrha.

"He's not the only one." said Blake.

"Must be hard being a faunus." said Yang.

The group then heard a large Creek and then looked over and saw Thor walking over to Carden and his Goons.

"Thor what are you doing?" Questioned Osiris.

"Setting things right.'' said Thor in a very low tone.

Thor continued on over to Carden and his Goons. His goons were the first to notice Thor and quickly backed up.

" What's the matter guys, just one freak." said Carden.

Carden Then felt a rough tap on the shoulder. Carden didn't turn around And questioned the person.

"Yeah, what do you want?" said Carden.

"Can you please stop what you're doing to that poor student?" Asked Thor threateningly.

"Come on, can we just have a little bit of fun with the freak here?" said Carden Slightly annoyed.

"I don't think you understand, I wasn't asking now stop or I will make you stop." said Thor in a low threatening tone.

"What are you going to do, stop me?" said Carden turning around and realizing who he was talking to.

"No, I'm going to stop you even if I have to break your legs." said Thor threateningly.

Upon realizing who he was messing with he quickly backed away from Thor.

"Oh come on man I'm just messing around nothing to get Violent over." said Carden raising his hands up in defense.

"I disagree, now leave or I will break your legs.'' said Thor in a low threatening tone.

Carden and his goons quickly ran out of the lunch room in fear, Thor then Noticed that Basilisk was walking over.

"You do know he's going to try getting back at you right." said basilisk.

"Let him try, I'll break his legs regardless." Said Thor waving a hand back and forth.

"Thank you for helping me." said a voice behind Thor.

Thor quickly realized it was the student Carden was bullying.

"You're welcome, ammm?" Said Thor, not knowing her name.

"It's velvet and thank you again for helping me." Said Velvet.

"You're welcome velvet but I must return back to my team." Said Thor.

"Oh me too I hope to see you again." said velvet exiting the lunch room.

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