Battle for veil

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We open up to see Ruby and Emerald facing off against each other and Ruby clearly confused on what Emerald is doing there.

"Emerald, what are you doing here and how did you find out about Penny's secret?" Asked a confused and concerned Ruby.

But Emerald simply stood there silently.

"Fine then." said Ruby, glaring at Emerald and getting into a battle stance.

The two of them then rocketed towards each other Ruby to stop Emerald in her nefarious schemes and Emerald to stop Ruby from ruining Cinders plan, the two of them impacting with each other and immediately started fighting hand to hand however it was obvious that Emerald had a clear advantage over Ruby, Ruby tried her best, however she was unable to stop Emerald and with a powerful kick to the gut Emerald sent Ruby flying down the maintenance Hall.

"Why?!" asked Ruby sitting up from the attack.

Emerald merely smirked at Ruby and raised her fist in the air to attack. We then cut to the arena where we see ambassador olives in a disguise looking around for Emerald Sustrai.

"Where are you?" Thought ambassador olives while looking around for Emerald.

Ambassador olives continued looking around for Emerald and had multiple other groups looking for and another keeping tabs on Cinder, ambassador olives walked past the Eastern entrance of the coliseum until he looked down the entrance hallway and noticed that one of the access doorways were slightly opened, finding that the ambassador called for backup.

"Unit 5503 I require you and your squads assistance possible terrorist activity in the Eastern entrance." Said ambassador olives, over the encrypted radio channel he and the machine guards use.

"Copy that ambassador me and my squad will be there soon." Said unit 5503.

"Good, I'm entering the maintenance room now." Said ambassador olives Unholstered his pistol.

"Copy that ambassador, we will be there shortly." Said unit 5503.

The ambassador raised his gun and entered the maintenance room, he walked down the hallways for what felt like several hours until he heard some noise up ahead he quickly found out that the noise was in actuality a fight, with that he quickly ran down the hallway in order to stop the fight and possibly stop his opponent from accessing the terminal they were shown during their briefing.

Ambassador olives ran down the maintenance hallway until he took a turn and found the fight, noticing the two opponents ambassador olives quickly raised his firearm and fired at his opponent and fired sending his opponent to the floor in a bloody heap.

Emerald smirked at Ruby and had her fist in the air to attack before Emerald could attack. A large bang was Heard and Emerald crumpled to the floor bleeding profusely from the gut. Ruby quickly turned to where the noise came from and saw ambassador olives with a smoking pistol in hand.

Ruby merely sat there shocked at who was standing in front of her.

"Right now is not the best time for me to explain myself so I will explain later." Said ambassador olives.

At that moment a machine security squad entered the maintenance Halls and quickly made their way over to Emerald patching her up and cuffing her with aura suppressant cuffs.

"You're too late." Said Emerald through gritted teeth.

"You are quite mistaken Miss Sustrai, me and my compatriots have been tracking you and your co-conspirators for quite some time, as we speak Mr. Black and fall are being arrested." Said ambassador olives smugly.

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