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It was a beautiful day at Beacon academy with airships flying overhead and dropping off students from the other three academies. However, the wonderful day was ruined with the atlas fleet showing up to the academy.

"Ironwood certainly loves to bring his work wherever he travels." said Professor GoodWitch, annoyed.

"Well running an academy and a military makes him a very busy man but those are a bit of a nice sore." said Professor Ozpin.

Soon after that the elevator began to ring and soon revealed the general himself.

"Ozpin." said General Ironwood.

"General." said Professor Ozpin.

"Please drop the formalities, it's been too long and Glynda it's certainly been too long since we last met." said General Ironwood

"Oh James, I'll be waiting outside." said Glynda.

"Well she hasn't changed a bit." Said Ironwood while Ozpin was picking up two cups of coffee.

"So what in the world has brought you all the way down from Atlas, headmasters don't typically travel with their students for the vital festival." Ozpin asked passing Ironwood a cup of coffee.

"Well you know how much I love veil this time of year besides with you hosting I thought this would be a good time for us to catch up" said Ironwood.

"I can certainly appreciate quality time between friends, however the small fleet outside has me somewhat concerned. Said Ozpin pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Well, concern is what brought them here." said Ironwood.

"And I understand travel between kingdoms has become much more difficult." said Ozpin.

"Oz you and I both know why I brought those men here.'' said Ironwood.

"We are in a time of peace. Shows of power like this will give off the wrong impression." said Ozpin putting down his coffee cup.

"But what if Qrow said is true?!" said Ironwood.

"What Qrow said is true, then we will handle it tactfully. It's the vital festival, a time to celebrate unity and peace so I suggest you don't scare people by transporting soldiers halfway across the continent. Said Ozpin.

"I'm just being cautious." said Ironwood.

"As am I, which is why we will continue to train the best huntsmen and huntresses we can." said Ozpin.

"Believe me I am." said Ironwood leaving the room. "Ask yourself this, do you honestly believe your children can win a war?" Asked Ironwood leaving the room.

"I hope they never have to." Answered Ozpin.

We then cut to the beacon library where we see team RWBY sitting at a table playing remnant the board game. We then head over to a table where team Bots is sitting.

"So what are you guys plan on doing later?" asked Thor.

"Not much me and siren thought of heading down to Vail and checking out a new store that opened up." said Osiris.

"That sounds nice, how about you basilisk?" asked Thor.

"Not sure" answered basilisk.

"Is something wrong?" asked siren.

"It's about Tukson's bookstore." Said basilisk.

"The one store that has a double murder in it?" Asked Osiris.

"Yeah that one." Said basilisk.

"What's to worry about? The boss back home got some information about it and they even gave us some basic descriptions to go off of." Said Thor.

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