The Beginning

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The scene opens up in headmaster Ozpin's office where we see him and Pyrrha talking.

"Well, it comes as no surprise they chose you to move on to the final round of the tournament. Your performance has been exemplary." Said headmaster Ozpin.

"Thank you, headmaster Ozpin, but I would never have made it this far without my teammates." Said Pyrrha.

"Personally, I think it's the other way around." Said Qrow.

"I'm sorry, but I don't believe we've been introduced." Said Pyrrha, turning around to Qrow.

"Name's Qrow." Said Qrow.

"Qrow is a trusted colleague of mine." Said Ozpin.

"headmaster, if you don't mind me asking, why have you called me here?" Asked Pyrrha.

"Please, take a seat." Said Ozpin.

Pyrrha then proceeded to sit back down.

"What is your favorite fairy tale?" Asked Ozpin.

"I'm sorry?" Asked Pyrrha in confusion.

"Fairy tales. Stories from your childhood. Surely you remember some of them?" Said Ozpin.

"Well there's the tale of the two brothers; the Shallow sea; the girl in the tower-." Said Pyrrha before being interrupted by Ozpin.

"What about the story of the seasons?" Asked headmaster Ozpin.

"Oh, of course!" Said Pyrrha.

Pyrrha then proceeds to tail the story of the maidens. How four maidens helped a reclusive old man and for their deeds he granted them magic powers.

"The four maidens. My mother loves that story." Said Pyrrha.

"Would you believe me if I told you that one's been around since I was a boy?" Said Ozpin.

"You're not that old, professor." Said Pyrrha.

"Well, would you believe me if I told you it was true?" Said Ozpin.

"I beg your pardon?" Asked Pyrrha confused.

"What if I were to tell you there were four maidens existing in this world that could wield such tremendous power without dust?" Said Ozpin.

"You mean like a semblance?" Asked Pyrrha.

"Like magic." Said Ozpin.

"I-." Said Pyrrha before being interrupted.

"Yeah, first time hearing it's pretty crazy." Said Qrow.

"You're serious?" Asked Pyrrha.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Said Ozpin.

"... No why-why are you telling me this?" Asked a confused Pyrrha.

"We're telling you, Pyrrha Nikos, because we believe that you are next in line to receive the Fall maiden's powers." Said Ozpin.

"We?" Asked a confused Pyrrha.

Before anything else could be said the elevator door opens revealing Glynda GoodWitch, General Ironwood, and ambassador olives.

"Sorry we're late. Said General Ironwood.

"Wait, what is this? Who are you?" Asked a confused and concerned Pyrrha.

"You know who we are. We're still the same teachers and headmasters you met when you arrived at Beacon." Said Glynda GoodWitch.

"Except we got a little part-time job."Said Qrow.

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