Battle at the Manor

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Ambassador Olive is sitting at his desk within the veil embassy sorting through various papers until he got a call. Seeing the caller Ambassador Olive answered it.

"Headmaster Ozpin, it is a pleasure." Said Ambassador Olive.

"The same to you ambassador." Replied the Headmaster.

"So what do you need?" Asked Ambassador Olive.

"Just calling in for the routine report ambassador." Said Headmaster Ozpin.

"I see. Then we have much to go over." Said Ambassador Olive.

"Oh and what would that be ambassador?" Asked a curious Headmaster Ozpin.

"We have captured the spring maiden." Replied ambassador olive.

Ozpin stayed silent for a few seconds until he collected himself and replied.

"I see." Said a surprised Ozpin.

"Yes. In other news the Branwen tribe has been completely eliminated save for the spring maiden." Said Ambassador Olive reading the report.

"I see and how is she?" Asked a curious Ozpin.

"I'm not sure if you're going to like this or not Headmaster but it was Raven Branwen." Said Ambassador Olive.

Ozpin sat there in silence for a few moments.

"I... see ambassador... that will be all for now." Said a saddened Ozpin.

"Yes Headmaster, I'll report if anything else happens." Said Ambassador Olive.

"Thank you ambassador." Said Ozpin before ending the call.

Not many things got to the Headmaster of Beacon but there was one thing that always caused him pain the death of a former or current student. The news that one of his former students had died ate away at the Headmaster. What ifs and could have been swirled throughout the headmaster's mind until he pushed them aside and continued his work he could grieve later for now he must deal with the problems ahead of him.

The Belladonna Manor was in chaos as White Fang goons fought the menagerie guard. Ghira fought Corsac and Fennec. The two white Fang lieutenants tried to defeat the president of menagerie however Ghira seeing a spear from one of the fallen menagerie guards quickly picked it up and pinned Corsac to the wall with it, but before Corsac was pinned fired a fire dust bullet at Ghira causing him to fly across the room. But it had no effect due to the president's Aura shielding him from the attack. Seeing that the attack did nothing, Fennec raised a dust infused dagger releasing a torrent of wind at Ghira, sending him back. A hidden white fang goon seeing his opportunity to shoot the president shouldered his rifle and was about to fire at him but from the window Sun burst in knocking out the white fang goon with his bo staff. With the distraction of the white fang goon Corsac was able to free himself from the spear and meet up with Fennec, now together the two brothers raise their weapons and fire a torrent of air and fire at Sun. Sun was able to block the main attack with his bo staff.

"Hurry! Shouted son as he blocked the attack from Corsac and Fennec.

From above Blake jumped down distracting Corsac and Fennec. The two brothers attempted to stab her however she quickly got out of the way and created an ice duplicate of herself freezing Corsac and Fennecs weapons in place.

"Dad, where's Mom?!" Said a concerned Blake.

"I'm not sure I got ambushed right away." Said Ghira.

"Once we take down Corsac and Fennec-" Said Blake before she was interrupted by her father.

"No go now." Said Ghira.

"But?!" Said a confused Blake.

"You keep assuring me your friend isn't a complete waste of space. let's see him prove it." Said Ghira as he turned back to look at Corsac and Fennec.

"We got this Blake. I've wanted to sock these creeps since the day we met." Said Sun.

"You'll have to get in line." Said an annoyed Ghira. "Blake go." Said Ghira. Wishing for his daughter's safety.

Blake quickly exited the room leaving Sun and her father to deal with Corsac and Fennec. As Blake, Sun, and her father talked Corsac was using his dust infused dagger to slowly melt away at the ice and as soon as Blake exited the room they freed their weapons to face off against Ghira and Sun. Sun seeing the two white fang lieutenant in front of him he raised his bow staff in defense.

"I won't let you down sir." Said Sun Ghira.

"Shut up." Replied Ghira.

"You got it." Said Sun before he and Ghira charged into battle against Corsac and Fennec.

Several machine gunships flew throughout the air escorting important cargo.

"So where are you taking me?" Asked Raven from within her prison cell within the machine gunship.

"Somewhere very special." Replies Morningstar.

The gunship continued to fly over the landscape until a mountain came into view. Instead of going around the mountain the gunship flew over it. After a few minutes of flying over the mountain it was soon revealed that atop the mountain was a massive advanced complex.

"Welcome to Hades, your new home." Said Morningstar.

"Prepare for docking procedures" said Morningstar.

"Yes commander." Replied the gunship pilot.

The gunship pilot then proceeded to press several buttons on a console. Afterwards, communications came over the radio from the prison complex.

"Gunship 1235678-J12 stand by for docking procedures welcome to Hades prison." Replied a mechanical voice over the gunship's radio.

The gunship continued to fly about until a landing pad lit up where the gunship proceeded to land. With a metallic thud the gunship had landed and the back door opened. With the gunship landed in the back door open, Raven was ushered out into the Cold mountain Air by several heavily armed machine guards to meet the prison Warden and the much more heavily armed guards that looked more like walking tanks than anything else. The prison Warden himself or itself was a simplistic humanoid machine in simple black robes.

"I assume this is the spring maiden that we've recently captured." Replied the prison warden.

"Yes, Warden." Said Morningstar while his guards kept their weapons trained on Raven.

"Good, good, will take it from here commander and will escort her to her new home." Said the prison Warden as several sentinels that were hiding behind the colossal tank guards came forth and grabbed Raven.

"Yes warden. But do be careful. I fear that she may try something. once a bandit always a bandit." Said Morningstar while keeping an eye on Raven.

"Do not worry my friend we have the best security on remnant the likelihood of her breaking out or someone breaking in for her is 00000000000000000000000000.1." said the prison Warden.

"As you say, Warden." Said Morningstar as he handed over Raven to the warden.

With Raven in the warden's custody, Morningstar and his crew turned around to their gunship and quickly took off.

"So what are you going to do with me, you bucket of bolts?" Raven said scathingly.

"Oh my dear we're going to put you somewhere where you're never going to hurt anyone ever again. And the only time you're going to get out of here is if we let you. now there's business that needs to be done." Said the prison Warden in a menacing tone of voice before switching over to a cheerful one and walking away.

Blake ran through the manor looking for her mother until she came across one of the dining rooms where she saw Ilia sitting on one of the mini balconies within it. The two of them made eye contact and Drew their weapons ready for a fight.

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