Journeys begin

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We open up to the island of patch several weeks after the battle for Vail. where we then see Ruby lying in her bed and sitting next to her is her father waiting for her to wake up from the coma she's been in for the last few weeks.

Tai looked out the window at the forest outside waiting for his beloved daughter to wake up from her coma. Tai continued looking at the window until he heard rustling from the bed beside him he quickly turned around and saw that Ruby was waking up.

"Ugh what happened?" Asked a confused and groggy Ruby.

"Ruby, you're awake!" Said an excited and happy Tai.

"What happened?" Asked a confused Ruby.

"Your uncle Qrow found you and your friends. he found you unconscious. He got you out of there though he brought you home safe." Explained Tai.

"Wait! Yang! Is she all right?" Asked a suddenly concerned Ruby.

"Uh... She's uh... she's going to be alright. I think she's just... I think it's just going to take some time for her to get used to things. She's too strong to let this stop her." Said Tai before wiping away some tears.

"I'm just glad to have my girls back at home." Said Tai.

"What happened to the school! And veil! Were they able to clear out the Grimm?" Asked a concerned Ruby.

"Things at Beacon and Vail are under control. And I'm really proud of you and you did a number on those Grimm that were attacking your friends." Said Tai.

"I did what?" Said a confused Ruby.

"Hmmm?" Said Tai.

"You said I did a number on those Grimm. What do you mean?" Asked a confused Ruby.

"I... look, it's not important right now, we can talk about it later. Things are just... kind of a mess." Said Tai dodging the question.

"It's always a mess." Said Qrow in the doorway drinking from his flask.

"Mind if we have a minute?" asked Qrow.

"What, I can't stay here?" Asked Tai.

"Tai. Please." Asked Qrow.

Tai got up from his chair and kissed Ruby on the head and began walking out the room.

"I'm glad you're alright. I'll go make us some tea." Said Tai before he left the room.

Qrow then grabbed a chair and placed it next to the bed where Ruby was laying.

"So... how are you feeling?" Asked Qrow.

"Um... I kind of hurt... all over." Said Ruby.

"That makes sense, after what you did." Said Qrow.

"You guys keep saying that! That I did something. What are you talking about?" Asked Ruby.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Asked Qrow.

"Last thing I remember is me and my friends fighting against some Grimm! Thor Osiris, are they okay?!" Asked a concerned Ruby.

"Don't worry they're back home." Said Qrow.

"I tried to save my friends, but there were just so many Grimm I tried to save them but I couldn't and then everything went white." Said Ruby clutching the blankets.

"Anything else?" Asked Qrow.

"I remember... my head hurting." Said Ruby.

"The night you met Ozpin, what was the first thing he said to you?" Asked Qrow.

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