Bad news and family issues

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Qrow walked down the Mistral Streets until he found the bar he was looking for. Upon entering the bar Qrow saw a mostly empty bar save for a single patron in one of the corners and the barman who was currently carving something out of wood. Upon seeing the barman Qrow walked over to him but before he could ask anything the barman spoke up first.

"Regular or the special?" Asked the barman as he continued to carve away at the block of wood he held in his hand.

"I'm actually looking for someone who goes by the name Shiro wan, ever heard of him? I heard he's a regular around here." Asked Qrow.

"Who's asking?" Replied the barman.

"Hey I'm not some cop if that's what you mean. I need Shiro for a gig. We go way back." Said Qrow.

"Way back huh? So he's a friend of yours." Said the barman while stopping his carving to look up at Qrow.

"Hmmm yeah I'd say so he's a pretty all right guy." Said Qrow.

"Well in that case." Said the barman before raising up his knife at Qrow and shouting at him. "You tell that jerk that he better not show his ugly face in here until he pays me the Lean he owes me!"

"Duh did I say friend I uh mean acquaintance." Said Qrow trying to calm down the bartender.

The bartender then proceeded to stab his knife into the bar counter getting his point across. Qrow began to slowly walk away from the barman.

"We're really just colleagues. Anyways thanks for your time buddy I'll just be taking off now." Said Qrow before exiting the bar and closing the door behind him.

Qrow then pulled out a scroll and crossed out Shiro's name from a long list of hunters.

"What a great start." Said an annoyed Qrow.

Qrow then proceeded to search all over the city of Mistral looking for the other huntsman and huntresses on his list but no matter where he went or who he asked he could not find them nor did anyone know where they were. The last name on his list led him to a small house. The building had seen better days with old worn out paint and planks of wood covering the windows. Not bothered by the building's appearance, Qrow walked up to the door and knocked. Qrow waited for a few minutes until he grew tired and knocked for a second time this time much louder. This time the door opened up in mere seconds revealing a tired looking man.

"So uh hey there I'm looking for Heather." Said Qrow.

The tired man simply stared at Qrow.

"Look pal, I've had a rough day. Do you know where she is or not?" Asked an annoyed Qrow.

Before anything else could be said the man's daughter walked to the doorway and looked up at her father.

"Daddy, does he know where Mommy is?" Ask the little girl as she clung to her father's leg.

Qrow, seeing this, felt guilty for intruding and quickly apologized to the man and his daughter.

"I uh.... I'm sorry to bother you." Said Qrow, before the daughter walked away and the tired man closed the door.

With that Qrow walked away to a place where he could overlook all the missions the huntsman were on. Upon reaching there Qrow looked over every single list and discovered that each huntsman was on a search and destroy mission. Upon realizing that each and every huntsman was either a way or possibly dead, Qrow collapsed onto a bench and merely stared at one of the lists.

Vernal poured several cups of tea before Raven gave her the permission to leave her tent.

"You can wait outside. Thank you." Said Raven before picking up a cup of tea.

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