Important Discussion

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We open up to beacon academy at midnight of the night when the teams are fast asleep. However team Bots are wide awake, now most would assume that they are finishing projects and papers done for their classes however this night is very different, they were receiving orders directly from the governmental officials of 01.

"Thanks to our new informant we have obtained the identity of the three hostiles responsible for the white thing attacks and dust robberies." Said unit 605.

"We already know this unit 605. Why bring it up again?" Basilisk asked, confused.

"Indeed units 117 however you have an additional mission besides becoming huntsman and huntresses. you are to gain information on the three hostiles." Said unit 605.

"Understood how would you like us to gather the information unit 605?" asked basilisk.

"You may gather the information as you see fit as long as you do not let the enemy know of your intentions." Said unit 605.

We then cut to combat class where Pyrrha Nikos is currently fighting a team Cdrl however calling it a fight would be generous Pyrrha is mopping the floor with team Cdrl until Carden remains however he too is quickly beaten.

"And that's the match." said Glynda.

"Lucky shot." said Carden before collapsing.

"Well done Miss Nikos you should have no problem qualifying for the tournament." said Glynda.

"Thank you professor." said Pyrrha.

"Now I know that's the first act to follow but we still have time for one more sparring match, any volunteers?" Said professor Good witch looking into the stands or the students are sitting. "Miss Belladonna you have been passive for the past few classes why don't you..." however before Glynda could finish a student raised their hands to volunteer.

"Mercury is it all right, let's find you an opponent." Said professor GoodWitch looking at her scroll.

"Actually I want to fight her." said Mercury pointing at Pyrrha.

"Me?" said a confused Pyrrha.

"I'm afraid Miss Nikos has already finished a match. I suggest you find another partner." said Professor GoodWitch.

Before anyone else could say anything another student raised their hands to be Mercury's partner.

"I'll do it." said basilisk.

Mercury looked visibly annoyed however there wasn't much he could do, basilisk then went to the locker room to collect the gear from there he entered the arena and to prepare for the duel.

The two began the circle around each other looking for an opening they could exploit and without the battle begin with Mercury lunging at basilisk basilisk tried to attack back however Mercury was able to dodge his sword swings Mercury then try to attack basilisk with his shotgun boots however basilisk was able to dodge the majority of the shots, then song is sword hitting Mercury sending him back a few feet and the pleading his Aura slightly, Mercury then did a flurry of kicks at basilisk using his shotgun boots basilisk was able to dodge however still sustain damage from the shops, basilisk then transforms his great swords into sword whips you then begin to attack Mercury with his new found reach, Mercury was able to dodge some of the attacks however he was still hit causing his Aura to deplete, basilisk then transformed his sword whips back into greatswords and lunged at Mercury who was in mid-kick.

The classroom felt as if it was in slow motion as basilisks great Sword cleaved through Mercury's leg, Mercury quickly fell to the ground in a panic as basilisk is quickly backed away, however everyone quickly noticed the lack of blood and screaming from Mercury and looked closer, everyone quickly noticed that Mercury's leg was a prosthetic.

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