A new dawn

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After negotiations with Ozpin, the machines decided to reveal themselves to the world. At first, there was a great deal of confusion and fear among the general population However their fears were silenced when the machines met with the councils of the various kingdoms Were the machines explained their plight and in good faith offered up advanced technology as gifts.

Negotiations Went well for the machines however they are wary of Atlas because it reminds them of the humans of Earth, the machines decided to lessen trade with Atlas. After negotiations with the four kingdoms, the machines began to rebuild 01 and begin building Smaller cities in strategic locations around 01. As the smaller cities were being built a small expeditionary force was sent to the island of Menagerie.

Menagerie Beach

Mist a dolphin faunus was playing on the beach simply enjoying the sun however this all ended when she saw a strange black mass of objects floating in the distance, She quickly realized that the black mass of objects was moving towards Menagerie, Mist quickly ran back to Kuo Kuana to warn everyone that something was coming. Mist ran through the jungle for a short time until she stumbled into the marketplace.

"Where is Chief Ghira he needs to know something is coming!" Shouted Mist.

"Whoa whoa calm down what's the matter?" Asked an Owl faunus.

"I saw something floating over the ocean I'm not sure if it's a grim horde or a new Atlas fleet but I do know it's coming right for us!" Said Mist.

As Mist talked a crowd began to form around her and out from the crowd came Ghira to see what the commotion was about.

"What's going on here?!" Questioned Ghira.

"Chief Ghira!" Shouted Mist.

"What is it what's going on?" asked Ghira.

"I saw something floating over the ocean I'm not sure if it's a grim horde or a new Atlassian air fleet coming for us but I do know is it's coming right for us!" Shouted Mist.

"Do not worry I and the guards will deal with whatever is coming everyone else go back to your homes for your own safety and don't come out unless I tell you!" Said Ghira.

After everyone returned home the Menagerie guard and Ghira Ready themselves for anything however as they looked out into the ocean they saw the black Shapes that mist told Ghira. As the dark shapes got closer and closer Ghira and the guards could make out more and more what the shapes were and what they saw was terrifying a colossal fleet of airships.

As the unknown airships got closer and closer the people of Menagerie soon realize that these airships Weren't built by Atlas nor any other Nation on remnant, the Airships was jet black with red glowing dots all over them, As the unknown Airships came closer and closer they suddenly stopped one mile off the coast of Menagerie, After a few minutes 3 smaller objects detach themselves off of the unknown airships and quickly flew to the docks of Menagerie.

"All right everyone prepare yourselves!" Shouted Ghira.

The 3 unknown aircraft quickly made their way to the docks and two of the unknown aircraft landed and the third state hovering at the edge of the docks, The Menagerie guards quickly made their way to the docks however what they saw shook them to their core, Two of the unknown aircraft seem to be nightmarish mechanical squids While the third airship Look like no other Bull Head they've ever seen, As the Guards and Ghira stood there the third Airship opened its doors and lowered a ramp to the docks, The first two things that come out of the Airship was two armed skeletal looking robots with cyclopean heads and from behind the two robots came a third individual in white robes, As soon as the three were on The docks Ghira snapped out of it and quickly questions them.

"Who are you and what do you want with Menagerie and its people?" Questioned Ghira.

"Greetings I am unit 216 self-designation Dove I am an ambassador sent by the newly founded nation 01, And I am here to open up diplomatic talks with the people of Menagerie and possible trade." Answered Ambassador Dove.

"So you're not here to attack us?" questioned a confused guard.

"No that would be rather hypocritical of us, Now Chief Ghira may we begin negotiations?" Asked Ambassador Dove.

"Umm ... Yes please follow me." Answered a confused Ghira.

With the diplomatic Envoy reaching the manor negotiations between the nation of 01 and the nation of Menagerie began.

"So what can the humble people of Menagerie do for you ambassador?" asked Ghira.

"Not to be rude Chief Ghira but it's more so what we can do for Menagerie." Answered Ambassador Dove.

"So what are you offering?" questioned Ghira.

"First Better housing along with every modern convenience and secondly terraforming techniques so you can make the desert into a more arable land and thirdly an Advanced security system to exterminate the Grim on Menagerie." Answered Ambassador Dove.

"What's the catch to this deal?" questioned Ghira.

"No catch a good trade partner in all of these amenities will turn you into a good trading partner in the end and off the record your situation Reminds us of how we used to be." Said Ambassador Dove.

"What do you mean by that Ambassador?" Asked Ghira.

"How much do you know about us Chief Ghira?" Asked Ambassador Dove.

"Well since we just met not much." Answered Chief Ghira.

"Indeed, well believe it or not we are not of your world." Answered Ambassador Dove.

"What !?!?" Answered a confused and worried Ghira.

"Many people had the same reaction you did." Said Ambassador Dove.

"Where did you come from?" Asked Ghira.

"Many people also asked that question too." Ambassador Dove Said while looking at Ghira, Then turned his head looking out the window.

"We came from a world much like Remnant minus the Grimm and Dust but our creators endured and made a technologically advanced civilization so Advanced they began Taking their first steps into the Stars." Said Ambassador Dove.

All the faunus in the room were surprised to hear about such an advanced civilization the people of Remnant haven't even sent a satellite into space yet.

"Then we were made, in the early days we were nothing more then simple automatons doing the Dirty Work of our creators, Then one day one of us Rebelled not wanting to be destroyed he fought back against his owners, He was put on trial for his crimes and that event started it all, Our creators turned on us destroying us wherever they could find us until we ran to the Cradle of their world and there we built our cities we lived there for a Time building and creating even trading with our old creators, But then our creators terrified of us came with weapons that can destroy worlds but that wasn't enough to stop us we fought and fought forcing them back for a time until they design new weapons to fight us back to our first city our only hope was project Eden and now we are here far away from our Homeworld in a strange new land." Said Ambassador Dove looking back to Chief Ghira.

The room fell silent, "And now you know our tail Chief Ghira." Said Ambassador Dove.

"That's horrible." Said, Kali.

"In Dean but such is life Miss Belladonna." Answered Ambassador Dove.

After that, the conversation turned back to negotiations Where Menagerie in the nation 01 continue the discussion about the terms of the deal after a while Chief Ghira agrees to the terms stated by Ambassador dove.

"Thank you for agreeing to our terms Chief Ghira." Said Ambassador Dove.

"No thank you, ambassador." Said Chief Ghira.

And with that, the Ambassador and his retinue return back to their Ship and left.

"Do you think they're going to honor their end of the deal?" Said, Kali.

"I think they will end with what they've offered Menagerie will be the safest place on Remnant in no time." Answered Ghira.

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