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Days passed:-

Something changes in these days. Those four men is no more cold towads Jimin and friends. They aren't friendly too. But there forms a connection between all those. They care for each other. They smile towards each others. Some students are jealous too.

Jin pov:-

I was waiting for my friends at cafeteria. That's when I saw Jungkook coming to the cafeteria.

"Hey Kookie , over here", I called and the other students look at me amused. I shrug it off.
He walk towards me and sat beside my seat.

"Hey hyung, don't you have any class?", he asked.

"No, my class got cancelled so why are you here. Don't you have any class?"

"No hyung, my class also got cancelled ", he replied with a gulp.

"Are you sure, I guess you share class with Jimin ", I raise my one eyebrow.

He look down and look at me again. I saw his eyes are getting teary. But he blink it off.

"What happened Kookie if you don't mind you can share it with me", I said.

"Nothing hyung you are just over thinking ", he said with a chuckle. But anyone can say how fake it is.
Saying this he walk out of the cafeteria. I was going to follow him but some girls block my way.

"What a bitch you are Jin", a girl ask with a disgusting look.

"What do you mean and don't dare to call me with words ", I said, anger is evident in my voice and also I am confused too what are they trying to say.

"Stay away from our oppa I know you are close with Namjoon oppa and now trying to hit on Jungkook oppa what a slut you are", she asked. I frowned and look at her in disbelief. But suddenly it clicked in me.

"What will you do if I get close to him, huh?", I asked. I am really angry at this moment but I control it.

"He is mine slut", she said. I want to slap her right in this moment but I have to control myself.

"Or are you going to say you guys are dating", other girl asked.

"What if we are", I asked with a smirk.
Their eyes widened and said,"What a slut you are Seokjin now you are saying you are dating Namjoon oppa and spend time with Jungkook oppa."

"First of all Jungkook is younger than you to call him oppa and yes I am dating Namjoon, what will you do huh", I asked.
She glare at me.

"What's going on here?",we heard a voice and I look back. There stands Namjoon, Hoseok and Hope. I am so much angry that time so I walk to him and pull him into a harsh kiss. Everyone's eyes widened including Namjoon's. I can feel he is shocked. I pull back and look around to see those girls eyes were widened. "I guess now you believe me",saying that I walk out of the cafeteria. I don't look back. I angrily walk through the hallway but I stopped suddenly.

"Omg, what have I done", I face palmed myself at what I done.

"Oh no how can I face Namjoon now", I asked myself and was stunned to move.

"Why I walk to door by the way, yeah Kookie I need to find him, where is he", I was searching for him in the college and finally I reached rooftop.

When I enter the rooftop there is no one.
"Did he left the college already? ", I turned to go back but I heard a sniff and I look for who it is.
There I saw Jungkook sitting with head on his knee. He is crying.

"Kookie",I called and he look at me. He tried to wipe his tears but failed miserably. He look down and I walk towards him. I bend to his level and tap his shoulder.

"What happened baby, you know you can tell me", I asked.

He suddenly hugged me and cried on my shoulder. I don't know what happened to him but I let him cry on my shoulder. After sometimes he calm down.

"Hyung, why are you here?", he asked with a sniff.

"That's not the answer of what I ask Kookie . If you can't say just leave it I don't mind", I said and his eyes gets teary again.

"Today is that day hyung, the day I lost everything, the day I lost the trust in everyone, the day I realize what pain is, the day I lost myself", he cried again.

"Calm down baby, I am your hyung, right then you can share your pain with me",I said.

"You will hate me hyung, I don't want you to see me with disgust",he said.

"How can I hate you my little bunny. You are like my little brother then how can I. You can share everything with me. I won't let you cry alone. Please let me help you baby", I plead and he broke down one more time in my embrace.

"He let them hyung, he leave me there", he hiccups.

I draw soothing circles on his back and he calm down a little.

"Now can you say", I asked. I don't want to make him uncomfortable.

"I can hyung", he said and I nod.

"You know they are not my real brothers right", I nod.

"But I am not a single child I have a twin brother too but he leave me alone", his tears falling through his eyes. I try to calm him down.

"He was my best friend. Hyungs are our father's frinds children. We used to play together. Yoongi hyung loves to sleep but me, him and taehyungie hyung won't let him sleep peacefully. We always disturb him but he don't scold us he only scold taehyungie hyung. Namjoon hyung won't join us because he know how sleep is important for Yoongi hyung.

     One day there is no one with us only me and him. That day......."

He said all things to me. He is peacefully sleeping on my lap. My eyes are teary but I don't let it flow down.

After sometimes Yoongi and Namjoon enter the rooftop and saw kookie sleeping on my lap. They don't ask anything just took kook with them. Namjoon turn around and took a glance at me then walk out. I also go back to college entrance to find my babies.

End of jin"s pov

Next day:-

Class starts and the students are listening to teacher. Today they all have to submit their project and it went smoothly. All groups are submit their project on time.
Class continue for some time and someone call the teacher from the door.

"Excuse me teacher ", a man in the students age called.

"You are the new transfer student, right come in", she said and a man walk inside. He look around or we can say,
he was searching for a specific one...

   To be continued.....

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