Chapter 50: Respect

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And with that, she had dragged my neck down and slammed my lips against hers, I gripped her waist pulling her for more as I slammed her against her car door.

She cups my cheeks as our tongues collide and melt into our taste, I kissed her quickly but gently as her wet tears rolled down our mouth, in sync our lips moved and it felt like a dream.

All my pain disappeared and all my darkness once again found its healer, I knew I wasn't built for love, we built our walls on shaky walls but we still found a way to keep building it up.

All the love I have in me is only for her, in my heart and in my head I never wanted to leave, after she walked away from me on the balcony I collapsed to my knees and actually cried my eyes out.

The pain in my chest was unbearable, I was afraid for once, afraid I had lost the only thing that made me Me, I know I can't take back things I did and said but for her, I'll be better.

For her I'll torture myself to get better, I'll kill any living thing with my bare hands if I see it hurt her, "I never want you to cry over me Blair, hate me all you want but don't drop a tear for me ever again" she nods and kissed me back harder.

Her nails dug into the back of my neck while I leaned my body against hers, she then suddenly releases me and licks her bottom lip while still holding onto my cheeks, "it's late I have to get home" she smiled biting on her lower lip.

Her smile made a weird sensation flow in my stomach, I smile back and nod, "Goodbye Misha" She smiled as I took a step back to allow her to hop into her car.

I wave her goodbye as she drove down the road, I then turn around "We even now?" Rune hopped out of my truck heading up to me.

"We're even" I rolled my eyes and smile as he grinned, he stared into my eyes, "Never expected Misha Larson to be in love" I annoyingly rolled my eyes "Yeah you can fuck off now" He lets out a laugh and pats my shoulder.


I hesitated to walk up to the front counter while holding a bag of Misha's favorite food, I've been standing there for at least thirty minutes.

What if he doesn't want to see me? What if he got annoyed by all the messages I sent him? What if- "Excuse me are you just going to stand there or what?" I turned around to see an older man giving me a scowl.

"Um no I'm actually looking for um Misha Larson" he lets out a laugh while I stood here awkwardly confused by what was so funny.

"Okay, may I ask what for?"
"Um... checking up on him is he okay?" I gulped looking around the entrance while people and workers passed by.

"Look sweetheart I don't know who you are but Misha Larson is a busy man and he doesn't need any fans right now"
"Excuse me-"
"Your not excused please exit the building"
"Sir I'm his-"
"Please leave the goddamn building"

I let out a scoff, there's no way I'm allowing a guy to speak to me the way he is, "Is that how you speak to your guest?" I arch a brow, he rolls his eyes and points at the front entrance, "Leave before I call security" "I'm not leaving till you call Misha down" "Okay listen bitch if you don't leave I'll-"

Suddenly a hand wraps around my waist and pulls me toward his chest, "You'll what?" Misha roared, I could feel his heartbeat racing through his chest as the older guy stared between us.

"Blair Ambrose is not a guest nor will she ever be kicked out of my building, if you ever speak to her in that way again-"
"Misha I'm fine" I cut him off turning around to face him.

"Blair Ambrose?" The older man repeated with a fearful tone, "Forgive me miss I didn't mean any disrespect" he stammered, I roll my eyes of course now that he knows who I am he was showing 'respect' "Yet you disrespected her,"

"It's fine" I sighed trying to keep Misha calm, but his eyes filled with anger as he glared at the older man like he was his prey.

"No, it's not" Misha finally met my eyes, he started panting heavily as he glared between us back and forth, I place my hand on his chest and his heartbeat started calming down. I smiled and his face softened

"Hey, it's okay, leave it alone" I whispered, He bites the inside of his cheek then wrapped his hand around mine, "If I catch you speaking like that to anyone especially Blair there will be consequences" arched a brow.

"Yes sir" the older man responded, "Now get back to work" Misha demanded.

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