Chapter 48: Fool

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Once we got back to the apartment complex I made my way to my room, I slammed my door shut and quickly unwrapped the folded piece of paper and read it.

"We pinky promised"

It said, my heart dropped to my stomach,

"Blair Ambrose, I would burn the world for you and not let a single flame touch you"
lIf that's your way of saying it then, Misha Larson, I would authorize you to set the world on fire for me," But make sure my friends are safe to pinky promise" "Of course love"

We promised...


After seeing Blair, the look in her eyes, how she couldn't maintain eye contact, and her white knuckles.

I slam my fist against the wheel from the anger boiling inside me, out of all people I never wanted Blair to look at me like that, the sadness and disappointment in her eyes.

All because of Rune fucking Ambrose, I knew at this moment I had to stop myself and calm down before I did something I would regret...fuck it.

I slammed Rune's office door and burst in, "You" I growled as he gave me a confused expression, I slam the door shut silently and locked it so there weren't any...interruptions.

"Misha" He stood up looking me dead in the eyes, I wanted to take his head out of his body for fucking the only happiness I had in life.

"You Ambrose don't know when to stop" I took a step closer as he took a step back, his expression of confusion caused my fist to slam directly into his temple.

He jumps back and glares up at me, blood dripping down his perfect blue tux and the forehead I just fucked up.

Before I could drag him up by the collar he slams his fist against my lip, I don't flinch nor do I stumble.

I lick my bottom lip to the taste of copper filling my mouth, "I deserved that" He groaned standing up straight, "One for one? We even?" "Even? oh fuck yes" I yelled frustrated at the thought of him thinking a punch is going to fix shit.

"Listen, man-"
"No you listen to me, you fucked up the only happiness I had in my life, you may not believe nor do I care but I loved Blair, and she loved me the first fucking person to ever see me for me"

I ran my hands over my hair trying to calm down before I broke in front of my least favorite person, if he weren't Blair's brother I would have killed him by now.

"Then what's stopping you" he breaks the silence
"What?" I frowned in confusion
"Look I fucked up, and ever since you left Blair she's acting...the way our mother died"

I gulped at the thought of Blair burning, "I've been around her to make sure she isn't burning and she isn't, but I know I'm sorry won't change anything but I really am I didn't mean for my anger to get control of me"

"Sorry? your sorry?" I scoffed letting out a laugh, "Fuck you and your apology Rune"

"Misha wait-" Before he could seize my arm I pulled away and glared him in the eye, "Touch me again and I'll give you more than a punch"


After depressingly crying in my room for at least four whole hours my door slams open, I let out a groan and turned around, "Hey" Rune smiled having dry blood on his temple.

I knew I looked like a complete mess, I held onto the piece of paper while I cried my eyes out, my eyes were swollen and burning from the tears.

My body was numb and on the verge of shattering apart, his silence made me worry, "Is he okay?" I panicked sitting up from my bed.

He nodded and gave me another smile, relief fills my empty stomach, "Wanna go out?" He tilted his head leaning against the door.

"I don't feel like it"
"Oh come on-"
"Rune go away" I snap, he lets out a sigh and walks away shutting the door with him.

After midnight I left the apartment complex and made my way toward the bar, I didn't know why but...

I just wanted to hear that angelic voice once again

I stepped out of my car and placed my hands inside my pockets from the freezing cold, As I made my inside holding onto the doorknob entrance I froze in place.

I blinked multiple times to make sure I wasn't seeing things, my heart dropped to my stomach as he let out a smile.

I felt tears about to roll down my face, no more crying Blair.

I'm strong.
I'm Independent.
I don't need him.
but you do.
I need him.

I watched as the girl beside him laid her hand over his while he let it happen, both of them smiling and laughing at whatever they were talking of.

Then suddenly someone bumps into me causing me to stumble against the stool, causing it to fall, everyone went silent and turned to look at me, including Misha and the beautiful girl beside him.

She looked nothing like me, she had dark brown hair and light brown eyes and perfect tan skin, but then my eyes met his, and my world fell apart, "Blair-" Before he could finish his sentence I had run out of the bar toward my car struggling to yank my key out my pocket.

"Blair wait!" I overhear him shout and the slam of a door behind me, I ignore him and make my way down my car ignoring him shouting my name over and over.

I'm a fool.
I'm a fool.
I'm a fool.
I'm a fool.
Always the fucking fool.

"Blair wait!" he yelled aggressively catching up to me, he grasped my hand and spun me around to confront him.

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