[27] Discussion

455 33 7

* Oh my god I've been so unmotivateeedddd

* Even now huhu

* But! I'm still trying cuz I want to finish Esmeray xD

┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐

"That's definitely a predicament..." Carrot frowned, watching Error taking a sip of the hot chocolate milk that he had prepared. He had been listening while making the beverages in the kitchen after all. "So Killer and Cross are missing, somewhere unknown and where even you can track them in." Blue softly relayed and Error nodded lightly. "I still can't find them even with my own skills and... I've talked to the voices of the Anti-VOID, but we've been speculating that it was the work of that asshole..." Error's spat the last word like venom. Just even thinking about that asshole makes Error's marrow boil!

"But... Who's this asshole you're even talking about?" Carrot asked as he took a sip from his sweet treat. Error seemed to stay silent for a moment as he thought over what to say before shaking his skull instead. "I can't say his name... If I do, he might hear me." Error scowled lightly. "The moment that I, someone he's strictly been keeping an eye on, says his name... It would trigger him to come towards me. That bastard." Error clenched the cup a bit while scowling. He doesn't want him to know that he's been with Blue after all! Especially knowing fully well what he'd do once he has found out...

"Honestly, that kinda sounds quite problematic though." Blue frowned in concern while Carrot spoke up. "If saying his name would call him over, why not use this opportunity to interrogate him-" "No! Never! I will not stand in the same room- no- be even in the same AU as him! That obsessive bastard- he's a fucking yandere obsessed with me!" Error whined as he sets the cup down a bit harshly while Carrot slowly sipped his honey again. Whoops. "I do not want to be even near him! Not at all! It's why I'm trying to think of every other possibilities other than him- I rather it not be him!" Error began to shake a bit as tears pricked his eyesockets, Blue jumping out of his seat a bit. "E-Error-!"

"He- Him and those with him wronged me so- so many times- he... He took my family away from me- his good for nothing parent made me stuck in this body, took my from my AU and made me become a glitch! I'm supposed to be the child of the fuckin-" Error shakily inhaled. No- no no he can't say anymore, he might get their attention. He choked on a sob as Blue rubbed his back, having pulled him into a hug during his rant.

"He made my life so miserable... And f-for what?! I don't even know his motives! He's just been- obsessing over me and trying to make me suffer!" Error cried as he clung to Blue tighter. "I don't know why he's doing this to me- what did I do wrong?!" Error could feel the overflow of tears as he continued to ramble on, especially with how much of the feelings he has bottled up regarding this situation. Blue carefully kept rubbing Error's back while Carrot then sighed softly before rubbing his chin in thought. This is definitely a predicament...

"I just want him gone... I want- I want him to stop- I just want all this to stop... I want to go home- I want to go back to my family... Tell them that I'm okay! That I'm..." Error trailed off, he couldn't even say it as Blue sighed softly. Right... It was only a spur of a moment too, and even then, only Blue knew that Error was Esmeray... Last time he checked anyways. Only other one who probably did was the ones who made Esmeray into Error in the first place.

"Look, Error. I'm not really... Good with this comfort stuff but... I'm sure that eventually, things will turn out well." Carrot said softly, standing up and walking towards the two skeletons, hesitating for a bit before careflt putting his hand on Error's skull. "Sure right now it's shit but... You're strong." Carrot added, rubbing Error's skull when he noticed that Error's glitches wasn't reacting to him. Error sniffled and looked up at Carrot with a huge pout, causing the orange cladded skeleton to chuckle a bit.

"Yeah yeah, you're probably doubting yourself since you feel useless at such an imoortant situation. But like... Error, you're literally the destroyer of worlds, protector of the Multiverse since you'e been doing a damn good job at making sure it doesn't collapde. Plus, you protect my brother with a shit load of stuff. And as the older brother, I'm the one who knows fully just how much you care for your family, and that you'd do anything for them." Carrot gave a lazy grin at the glitch as Blue carefully wiped his tears away.

"But... I don't think... I can even..." "I'm sure you can. You're a God as well after all." Carrot then picked the chocolate milk up and handed it to Error, who sniffled and carefully took it. "I'm plenty sure that you'll eventually find where Killer and Cross are hiding, yeah? And once you do, you'll kick the perpetrator in his ass." Carrot finished and Error glanced down at his mug before shakily nodding. Yeah... He'll... He'll find them. "Yeah... I- I will... Find them..." Error said softly to himself, mostly to convince himself and give him the mentality to believe...

Believe in... Himself...

Ugh, Blue's starting to rub to him too much.

Glancing at the culprit, Blue was just cheekily smiling, as if knowing what Error was thinking even though that's definitely impossible.

"What Papy said is true though, Error." Blue hummed lightly, pressing his cheek against Error's and lightly nuzzling him, a small yellow blush tinting the destroyer's cheeks. "No matter what happens, I'm sure you'll think of a way! And if you can't? I! the Magnificent Blue! Will be of service! Mweheheh!" Blue exclaimed as he then threw a fist into the air happily, making Error shakily laugh as he wiped any leftover tears. "O-Okay... Thank you Blue... Carrot..." Error smiled shakily and Blue grinned widely. Carrot just smirking at them.

"No problem glitchy!" "Not a problem Error. After all, you'll probably be my brother-in-law soon." Carrot smirked wider when Blue suddenly blushed brightly. "P-P-Pa-Papy!" Blue squeaked out in shock while Error stared. It took a while to register the tease, but when he did, his face errupted into  bright yellow blush. "Wh-Wh-What the fuck Carrot?!" Error squeaked out in shock, blushing harder as he quickly puts the mug into his mouth. "Asshole! Bastard! Bitch!" Error kept cussing Carrot out as he bursted into laughter, Blue standing up and stomping his foot. "You annoying brother! Come here!" "Ah! No brother wait!" Carrot wheezed as Blue tackled him.

Error watched the two brothers chase and fight each other while still blushing brightly. He hunched over himself a hit and and shakily took a sip of the chocolate milk, before smiling lightly. Right... He's sure he'll help them...


* Aaanannddd Done!

* Ayeee chappie lmao

* Anyways some brotherly bonding and advice... I tried my best here since I'm shit with advice and drama lmao

* Hope you guys enjoyed though!

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