[7] Missing

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* Oh no, my hand slipped again.

┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐

Nightmare sat, reading his book against the tree when Dream came rushing back in worry. Nightmare looking up at his brother. "Any luck...?" Nightmare only frowned more when he saw his brother shake his head. "No, I can't find Esme anywhere..."

"It's unlike him to just suddenly leave us brother. He promised." Dream frowned and Nightmare nodded. For once, he agrees with that statement. "Plus, Esmeray's a guardian now! Which means that him suddenly disappearing on us is just... Weird..." Nightmare muttered as Dream sat besides Nightmare and scooted closer to him. "Do you think the villagers did something about this...?" Nightmare couldn't help but theorize.

"There's a possibility... I'm gonna check Esme's flower shop later on." Dream spoke and Nightmare nodded, leaning against his brother. "I hope Esme's okay..." Nightmare whispered softly. "Do you think mom knows where Esme is?" "We can ask her later." Dream replied as he held his brother close.

"I just... Hope wherever Esme is, he's okay..." Nightmare murmured and Dream nods. "Me too brother..." Dream agreed.

Night time fell quick and Dream looked up, the moon was dim, and the night felt cold. The usual warmness of the darkness was missing, and the shadows looked quite threatening. Dream shuddered lightly before glancing at his brother, who nodded at Dream. "I'll stay here to guard the tree and ask mom. You go look for Esme in his establishment." Nightmare spoke and Dream got up and quickly left.

Arriving at the area, Dream couldn't help but frown at the empty look of the building. It doesn't look as lively as it was when Esmeray wasn't missing...

Dream looked around the area before going at the back. If he remembers correctly... Aha. "Sorry Esme... We're worried..." Dream couldn't help but feel really guilty. Even though Esmeray has told them countless of times that they're welcome even if uninvited, as the cafe is their second home now... It... Still feels wrong.

"Esme?" Dream then unlocked the door and entered, looking around. The cafe was neat and tidy as always. Dream then closed the door and locked it again, just to make sure no one tries to enter after him. Plus the villagers were... Not all nice. Esme helped him realize that.

Dream then glanced around the dark area before flicking the switches on. So far, nothing looks out of the ordinary. He then proceeded to the kitchen, knowing it's the place where Esmeray spent most of his time on.

Peeking into the kitchen, Dream's eyelights shrunk at the scenery. There was a few broken glasses here and there and dried, spilled coffee and the oncoming smell of rotting food. There was signs of struggle and Dream couldn't help but tear up and cover his mouth at what could've happen, and who might've took Esmeray. Must've been someone powerful as Esme's a guardian!

Dream then carefully walked towards the scene of the crime and then carefully stepped over some glass. Looking for any evidence on who or what could've done it. Because he was certain that it wasn't human, or... A Monster? A person? Whatever it was, it definitely wasn't a normal being.

As Dream looked around, he looked up and he blinked in confusion. Since when was Esmeray interested in yellow strips of glowing lights? Dream frowned more before he then glanced at the ground, seeing that there was burn marks here and there. He then reached out and carefully swiped his gloved hand across the soot, then gasping at such a strong magic signature that he felt. "This... This isn't a normal fire..." Dream whispered. He has to tell his mom about this!

Dream then looked up and climbed on the counter, he should try and grab the lights as well. He reached up and took some, mentally apologizing to Esmeray for standing on the counter and then got off, the glowing string lights also felt different too... He then rushed out the back door, making sure to lock it behind him. Above him, he failed to notice the moon somehow glowing a bit brighter at Dream's discovery.

He could only hope that whatever took Esmeray was merciful.


* Whistling innocently

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