[25] Blame game

657 40 23

* Oh wow an update on time? That's the first

* Mmm I may have went overboard here, and is probably all over the place oof- sorry

┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐

Error paced around, looking at the portal of codes in front of him that moved with his every step. He doesn't get it- why can't he find Killer?! "Anything?" Nightmare asked and Error shook his skull. Nightmare growled at that. "Fucking hell Error! You're the best tracker out there and you still can't find him?!" "It's not easy damn it! I may be good with tracking but whoever took Killer put a fucking lock on him! They might have access to the damn codes as well!" Error hissed and Nightmare sat down and rubbed his skull in anger.

"Error please- you have to find Killer." Cross teared up while shaking in their seat. Dream moving and hugging Cross close. "I can't lose him again..." Cross choked on a sob and Error glanced at them worriedly before going back to his code portal and began to bite on his phalanges. He was feeling very anxious. He couldn't find Killer at all, and Cross was crying. He doesn't want them to get separated either... Not like this.

"I'm trying Cross, I'm trying..." Error muttered before he then froze up a bit and cursing silently. Damn that Ink, creating again! "Fucking hell- I need to go destroy." Error mumbled and Nightmare snapped his skull at him. "YOU- Can't that wait?!" "Nightmare you know I can't ignore the balance-" "But you can ignore Killer- is that it what you're trying to say?!" Nightmare yelled and Error was silent a bit. Mouth agape. "I- I didn't mean it like that-"

"No! I'm sick of this- I'm getting sick and tired about worrying where Killer is and how he's doing- I can't even tell where his emotions are! It's been a week now stars fucking damn it!" Nightmare yelled as he sat up, fists shaking and Dream was quick to sit up, having let go of Cross temporarily. "Brother calm down! Yelling won't find Killer quicker!" Dream yelled back as Cross whimpered and covered his earholes. "But he could be starving or suffering out there damn it!" Nightmare yelled and Error frowned at that. Killer going missing is making the brothers fight- he doesn't want that... "But yelling at Error won't help either!" Dream yelled once more. "I understand you want Killer found quickly but Error can't do everything at once!"

"Well what kind of God is he then when he can't even do a simple task such as findiNg OUR BROTHER?!" Nightmare was starting to scream at this point as he held his skull, Error ignored the pang in his chest at that and just stayed silent. "KILLER'S OUT THERE ALONE AND PROBABLY BARELY SURVIVING AND HERE WE ARE NOT DOING ANYTHING!" "But we're already trying to do what we can fucking do-" "Shut up!" Cross then interrupted the fight between the twins as he got up. "Shut up shut up shut up! You two are not helping! Killer's lost and you two are fighting!" Cross began to cry harder and Error frowned, walking towards Cross. "Cross..." "No! Fuck you! Fuck you all- I'm gonna go find Killer myself!" Cross yelled and Error froze. "Cross wait-!" Before Dream could stop the monochrome skeleton, Cross had already disappeared.

"FUCK- THIS IS YOUR FAULT ERROR!" "BROTHER!" Dream yelled at his brother, tears starting to brim his eyesockets while Error stayed silent before he shook his skull. Now's not the time, he has to destroy now before the Multiverse falls...

After all, without a Multiverse, his brothers won't be able to stay together.

"Error don't li-!" Dream then turned towards where Error was, only to pause when he saw his friend not there anymore. "Error..." Dream whispered before hearing a thud, he snapped his skull to see Nightmare on his knees and holding his skull. "I'm sorry- I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry-" Nightmare hiccuped as Dream then went towards his brother and hugged him. "It's not your fault brother... I'm sure Error'll forgive you..." Dream muttered quietly, hugging his brother tightly.


Cross slowed down to a stop, shaking and sniffling before hugging themself. "Killer..." Cross teared up a bit before shaking their skull. No- no they can't give up. They have to find their brother! "KILLER!" Cross then began their search as they went back to running. Maybe- Maybe they can find Killer better like this? If Error's code isn't able to, maybe actually looking for Killer would be better...

But still, they shouldn't even be mad at Error for not being able to find Killer. Error's already doing their best along with the others... Cross just... Cross just wanted Killer found... "Where are you Killer?!" Cross yelled again as he then entered through another AU when the last one was a fail. "KILLER- oomph."

Cross then stepped back a bit, ready to apologize as they looked at whoever they had bumped into, only to freeze in their spot.

The last thing they saw was a pair of sun shaped orange eyes before darkness consumed them.

"Two down, three more to go~"


* Dun dun dun??

* Yeah this was... Probably unexpected, drama ig????

* Anyways, important question for you all so please do answer!

* To Call or Press Forward?

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