[5] Winter Solstice eve

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* Gifts galore

┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐

It was the day before Winter Solstice now. Ever since the twins' birthday, Dream's been spending more and more time with Nightmare, making Nightmare quite happy and Esmeray proud of Dream. It has been his goal to mend their breaking relationship and he was glad that it's slowly avoided more and more!

Esmeray then came to the hill where the tree stands and then smiled at the decorations littering about. The tree was laced with ornaments and the cheerful sounds of twin children's laughter echoing. He gave a small smile when he stopped, seeing Dream and Nightmare just running around the tree and giggling.

Esmeray still couldn't believe that they considered him their big brother, but it certainly warmed his core with just that thought. "Hey~ I'm here!" Esmeray cheered and then the twins stopped and grinned. "Esme!" The two rushed over and hugged Esmeray, who then happily hugged the twins back. "Tomorrow's Winter Solstice, are you guys excited?" Esmeray curiously asked and Dream responded with excitement, "Yes! It's my first time celebrating with you after all!" "That's right! You're with us this time!" Dream and Nightmare spoke in different tones, but held the same amount of excitement behind it. Esmeray simply chuckling softly.

"Here, I prepared some food for us to enjoy." Esmeray smiled. "Yay! Your cooking is always the best Esme." Nightmare hummed and Dream nods excitedly in agreement. Nightmare then sat down with Dream, Esmeray then sitting down as well and began to prepare the food. "Good thing I was able to leave early this time so I got to enjoy lunch with you guys today." Esmeray grinned as he pressed his hands together in the form of a prayer, whispering softly and thanking the moonlight for the meal.

"This reminds me... What do you even do on the day?" "Oh, I work at a flower shop, and as a side job, selling these caffeinated drinks." Esmeray hummed softly and Dream gasped. "Really?" "Yes." Esmeray smiled and Nightmare lets out a small 'ooh'. "What's a Ca-Caff... Caffeinated...? Drink?" Nightmare couldn't help but ask and Esmeray hummed.

"It's a drink that gives you a lot of energy. But it's not for children, so you two aren't allowed to drink it." "Oh, boo..." Dream slouched at that and Nightmare snickered. "It's also required that I make food as well, so that one, you two can enjoy."

"Oh! Good! Because Esme's cooking is the best!" Nightmare nodded firmly and Dream nods in agreement. "Yes. Yes! Very good!" A small blush apepared on Esmeray's face, turning away while mumbling, "It's not that good..." "It is!" "NO! It's very good!"

"Your food is literally the best I've tasted! Ever!" "Nighty's right, Esme! And I've tasted many recipes! You'll easily win against them!" Dream cheered happily and Nightmare nods. Esmeray laughing softly. "Well, if you children say so..." "we know so!"

Night soon came and the twins have already went to sleep. Esmeray gave each of them a kiss on the forehead before carefully setting the gifts down. "Looks like it's Winter Solstice now..." for it was now midnight, the day of the jolly holiday. He then glanced up at the moon, smiling, seeing that the moon was glowing very brightly.

"Thank you, my Moon..." Esmeray whispered softly. "For giving me the wonderful opportunity to have little siblings again..." Esmeray hummed, leaning back against the tree and falling asleep. One of the times he didn't have to go home to sleep, for sleeping with his little brothers was enough, and is always worth it as well. Especially since he has no work tomorrow too, as its Giftsmas.


"Hmm...?" He awoke to soft shaking, blinking, rubbing his eyesockets a bit, he then heard a small hum. "Hello, Esmeray." Esmeray then glanced up at the figure who shook him awake before gasping in surprise at the person he saw. "Nim...?" "I see you know my name." "O-Of course..." Esmeray could only gape in shock at the sight of the Guardian in front of him.

The guardian of feelings then glanced at the two children leaning on Esmeray and smiled softly. "My children seems to have taken quite a liking to you..." "O-Oh- Uhm... Yeah..." Esmeray then calmed himself despite his shock. "If I may ask... How are you...?" "Still able to stay here? I've fused myself to the tree, dear Esmeray." Esmeray slowly nodded at the information, fully relaxing now. "Ah... Umm... Sorry if I'm intruding on your tree, miss..." Esmeray whispered and Nim shook her head.

"You're fine, child... If anything, I'm quite glad I got to meet you like this." "You are...?" Esmeray then watched as the guardian then carefully went in front of Esmeray, cupping their hands and a glowing ball of purple light began to emerge. "A friend of mine had decided to give you a gift... A gift that should've been given to you long ago." Nim softly spoke as Esmeray stared at the glimmering light in the guardian's hands.

"Is... Is that...?" Esmeray gasped as Nim then floated in front of the young individual. "Yes, Esmeray. It is." "W-Wait- Don't tell me..." Esmeray gasped as Nim softly smiled, carefully pushing the ball of light into Esmeray's skull. It then grew a bit in size before light then formed a circlet around Esmeray's skull, it was too big though as it there was an inch of space between the crown and Esmeray's skull, but it seems like it was what it was meant to do as it just floated on Esmeray's skull as if it was on him directly.

"You're now officially a guardian, Esmeray..." Nim smiled softly while Esmeray teared up a bit. "The moon has granted you it's abilities, use it wisely, child and guardian of the Moon." Esmeray then nodded lightly, shakily smiling as he quickly wiped any tears that escaped. "I will." Esmeray couldn't believe it...

"Thank you, Ms. Nim... Thank you, my Moon." Esmeray couldn't stop the smile from forming on his face. "No, thank you, for taking care of my children... And for being one of my own now too." Nim then carefully cupped Esmeray's cheek and Esmeray leaned to it with a small smile. "I will do my best to not let you down Nim..." "I know you won't."


* :)

* Edit of 02/29/24: Made some other changes like Esmeray's cafe and stuff, cuz I realized that having a cafe in their time would be weird and none would know the concept asides from Esmeray

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