[21] New Information

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* Two updated to make up for no updates

* Don't expect me to have consistent updates because school and games demotivates me :')

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"What have you found, Sci?" Blue asked as he then entered the room with the brothers in tow. Sci then gestured to the string that seems to be locked by a bunch of tubes now. "Woah what the fuck?" Killer asked in concern as Sci then stopped typing away on his computer. "So. Good news and bad news, which one first?" Sci asked, crossing his arms as he then spun his spinny chair to face the family of four. "Bad news." Killer immediately replied. "Yeah bad news first." Cross muttered and Dream and Nightmare nods in agreement.

"Alright... So, Bad news is that whoever has Esmeray is... Bad news. Really bad news." Sci spoke and Dream frowned. "Is it... Related to the fact that the string belongs to someone more powerful than even Gods?" Dream asked worriedly and Sci rubbed his wrists in annoyance. "Yeah- exactly... And whatever it was, was powerful enough to break my equipment. That's actually why it's in those tubes right now..." Sci sighed a bit.

"And from what I've gathered, it has intense heat magic... Almost as if it's fire itself, and then the UV radiation that I can sense from it kind of just remind me of the sun." Sci rubbed his nasal bone in annoyance. "It's just too intense... And they also leave burn scars." Sci then showed his hands, which had some burn scars, even on bone. "I'm honestly shocked I'm not dead from how powerful that was, but that makes it all the more concerning." Sci grumbled while Dream examined in worriedly.

"It... Kinda gives like a certain pattern." Dream muttered in surprise as Blue looked closer before blinking. Familiar pattern... Right, he saw Error's burns, so that might be it. The burn pattern was very similar after all. "I sucked it up and did some more experiments, but for some reason, the pattern never changes when you overlap it, it just stayed consistent as you can see here." Sci then showed his other hand, which had more burn scars and Cross cringed. "Sci! Why did you even do this-" "For science, duh." Sci rolled his eyelights as if harming himself for science was the most sane thing to do.

"Didn't you just mention earlier that you're surprised you're not dust?!" Killer whined and Sci blinked. "I ate instant noodles before I redid the tests." Sci shrugged and Nightmare decided to step up and slapping Sci. "Ow-!" "That's for not even thinking of your well being." Nightmare deadpanned as Sci held his cheek in surprise. "Damn it Sci, I get it, you want to help. But hurting yourself like this is not the way to go." Nightmare sighed softly. "But for science-" "Shut up." "But-" "No. Also what the fuck. If you've eaten healing foods and still retained those scars, then what does that mean?" Nightmare asked and Sci was silent for a bit before sighing.

"Well... It means that... Whatever owns this strings are just... Not meant to even be in this Multiverse. They're out of the Multiversal codes." Sci frowned. "They're way more than just an outcode like Error." Sci added in and Nightmare frowned in worry. "What does that mean?" Dream worriedly asked as Killer seems to be inspecting Sci's hand more. "It means that... This being is far more superior than us here..." Sci sighed while Cross then carefully held the burns a bit before yelping and flinching back, surprising Killer, Sci, Blue, Dream and Nightmare. The sudden flinch also concerned the twins. "Cross?" Dream worriedly asked, seeing Cross' fearful look.

"It- Those burns..." Cross shakily gasped and quickly began to scratch as his throat, which was thankfully covered by his scarf. "Cross?!" Killer yelped, rushing towards Cross and hugging him tightly in concern as Cross began to tear up a bit. "No- Nonono- why did- why did you touch it with your bare hands?!" Cross hissed at Sci suddenly, who blinked in shock. "Cross, what's happening?" Nightmare worriedly asked, hugging Cross worriedly as he then gripped on his scarf tightly. "What do you know about the string?" "I-It... I don't... I don't know b-but..." Cross teared up.

"I- When- When I touched it... I- I ended up remembering..." "Cross, what did you remember?" Blue was the one who spoke up now, having been silent to let the brothers deduce the bad news. "M-Mirage..." Cross shakily whispered and Killer's eyesockets widened, gripping on Cross' shirt. "That... Bastard..." Killer growled lowly as Cross clung to Nightmare. "Who's... Who's Mirage?" Sci asked in concern while Dream blinked. Somehow... That name felt familiar... Nightmare however, he just comforted his boys, confused about who this Mirage guy is.

Jeebus this bad news ended up being the worst news.


* I wanted to sleep, so I shall sleep after this

* Yay double updates! Expect this never probably </33

* How we feelin lads, Esmeray's actually past halfway point :D

* And I still haven't finished the new cover lmao good job me

* Hope y'all enjoyed <33

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