[26] Questions

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* Edit 4/19/23: Republishing it because apparently some can't read it?

* Oh damn I'm waayy behind, damn holy week making me not want to do anything 😭😭😭

* Anyways, another reason why I wasn't able to update was because of this lel

* Edit 4/20/23: Last attempt, hopefully it works now?

┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐

"Damn it damn it damn it..." Error paced back and forth in the Anti-VOID, many screens all around him, but not a single one is showing him what he wanted. "How could Cross go missing now as well?!" Error was stressed beyond relief now, and even tears were starting to gather in his eyesockets. It was just all too much! He didn't want this- he was so close too! So what was happening now?!

'Who would even do such a thing?'

'Probably the council?'

'Nah the council's dumb but not that dumb.'

'Yeah, if they messed with them, then Nightmare and Dream would immediately know. But both twins can't even sense them and Error can't even find them.'

'Do you think that Mirage has something to do with this?'

Error sighed lightly before rubbing his nasal bone with two phalanges. "I don't... I don't know- But at this point, it's the only thing that could explain their disappearances." Error scowled, crossing his arms and then looking through the code windows once more anxiously.

'What are you gonna do if it was him...?'

'It's probably him. Kill him! SKULL FOR THE SKULL THRONE-'

'Dude wrong fandom.'

Error then swiped his hand across the codes before opening up a new one to try and see if he could find that bastard. "Make his life a living hell. He messed with my brothers far too much!" Error growled angrily as he then continued to search through. "He has absolutely No RiGht TO FUCKING TAUNT ME LIKE THIS!"

'What even his reason for kidnapping geez!'

'They're not even kids but adults, still illegal though.'

'Angst angst too much angst.'

'I thought we love angst though?'

'Error doesn't.'

"Stars damn it." Error sighed in annoyance before closing the window as well. There's no signs of life in the doodlesphere either... Not even in the star sans base! You'd think Mirage would probably use those bases as it would mean that no one would dare look in the area of that bastard but nnnoooppee. No life, no signs.

'Do you think one of the twins would be next...?"

Error seemed to pause before scowling. No, he can't let that happen! Not the twins! "I'm not gonna let that happen! But... Uuughh, Nightmare's so fucking stubborn!" Error groaned as he then pulled up a portal to Underswap. Maybe he could get Blue's help...?

He then looked around for a moment before quickly entering, faint goodbyes in the background as the portal closed. He then quickly rushed towards the house of the brothers and knocked on the door, as there was currently no monsters in sight.

The door opened and Error blinked at seeing an orange jacket, looking up and blinking again. "... Hi."

"Error? What brings you here?" The papyrus asked in confusion and Error blinked, he still couldn't help but feel a bit nervous whenever he talks to Blue's brother, but right now, he needs his help. "Uhh... Listen, I need to talk to Blue. It's... Urgent." Error frowned and the Papyrus seems to think for a moment before sighing and stepping aside. "Alright, come in you bastard." "Thank you." Error quickly rushed inside before anyone else could see him. "Bro! There's someone here to see you!" The Papyrus called and then sat down on the couch, lighting up a cigarette. "Wouldn't Blue scold you about that?" "It's fiiine-" "BROTHER WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT CIGARETTES IN THE HOUSE?!" "Crap."

Blue then stomped down the stares in anger while snatching the cancer stick out of the skeleton's mouth, who groaned childishly while Blue sighed. "We have guests here Papy! Stop being so unsight...ly... Error?" Blue then gasped before rushing towards him in worry. "Oh my stars Error! Are you okay?! I heard what happened- have you found Killer and Cross yet? You don't look so well- could it be that you're sick or-" "Blue, Blue relax. Breathe." Error worriedly said as he tried to calm the armored skeleton.

Blue then took a deep breath and lets it out. "Okay- okay... What happened? Is everything alright?" He asked, less faster now prior to his rambling. "I... I couldn't find Killer and Cross... They're just- completely under my radar." Error murmured softly and Blue frowned in concern. "Let's sit down for this one." Blue said, moving and sitting Error on the couch, and Blue sitting between his brother and crush.

"I'll go get some beverages... Chocolate milk for you like usual?" The Papyrus asked as he got up and Error anxiously nodded. "Thank you Carrot..." "No problem." Carrot then waved lightly before going to the kitchen. Blue then turned towards Error in concern and carefully held his hand, the glitch letting him. "Now... Let's start from the top."


* Ayeeee updateeee <33

* I'm still so sorry this took a while. It's still Monday after all right? XD

* For some or most of you guys anyways lel

* And ayeee Nice Swap Pap... I had to check wether I made him evil or not ngl dhdjjd

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