[4] Birthday

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* It do be belated borthday

┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐

It was their birthday now and the twins were excited... Well, that's a lie, it was mostly just Dream as he would be getting lots of gifts from the village today! Nightmare, Nightmare would probably end up spending his birthday alone until the night again... Like usual-

"Hey there." Esmeray chirped and Dream and Nightmare gasped. "Esme! You came!" Dream came rushing towards Esme, who then noded. "I did, yeah." Esme hummed softly. "Happy birthday you two. You guys are five year olds now." Esme smiled and Dream nodded excitedly. "Yeah yeah!" Dream grinned and Nightmare nods lightly, smiling.

Maybe this birthday won't be so bad this time with Esmeray around.

"Oh, Dream? You might want to celebrate your birthday here this time." Esmeray spoke and the twins blinked in surprise. "Why?" Dream curiously asked. "Something happened at the park centre so they can't do the party." Esmeray softly spoke and Dream slowly nodded. "Awh... Okay... Well, at least I'm gonna spend it with Nighty!" Dream cheered, hugging his brother.

Honestly, Nightmare felt like it was really selfish, but he was glad... Happy! Happy that he and Dream could finally celebrate their birthday together! Last time it happened was when they turned one... Then the villagers came.

Back in the village, however, someone was screaming as they frantically tried to put out the fire out of Dream's birthday banner while someone was just sobbing at how the party is now ruined. All because someone accidentally spilled a candle and alcohol! Whoever did that will pay!

Esmeray lets out a small sneeze. "Are you okay?" Nightmare worriedly asked and Esmeray smiled softly. "Yeah, I am. Don't worry." Esmeray giggled softly. "Someone must've been talking about me." "You sneeze when someone talks about you?" Nightmare asked.

"Most of the times yeah, can be a good thing, but it's mostly just someone cursing you out really..." Esmeray hummed and Nightmare's mood dampened a bit, well that explains why he sneezes a lot. Dream however, was annoyed. And he doesn't feel annoyance very often. So the people who talked bad about Nightmare are the ones responsible for his brother's cold!

Nightmare glanced at his brother and giggled a bit at the pouty look his brother was giving off. Esmeray turned and chuckled softly as well. "Oh right... Before I forget, gifts." Esmeray then sat down by the tree and carefully gave the twins their gifts. Dream quickly, yet carefully opened his in excitement, gifts were always the best! But nothing beats a hug from his brother! Or his brother smiling!

Dream gasped as he then carefully lifts the content of the box, which was a very pretty locket of a silver star, the string, a beautiful gold. Nightmare blinked in shock as he delicately opened his gift, and found his to be a circle, but colored in the shape of a crescent moon, the moon a color of gold, and the rest of the circle is black. The string, a beautiful silver. The twins opened the locket and grinned happily.

Inside the lockets, was a picture of all three of them. How Esmeray had managed to get such a picture makes the twins shocked and in wonder. So cool! "I have one too." Esmeray showed the twins his locket, diamond shaped colored a beautiful dark teal, the string being a pretty purple. "It's a friendship locket. I also sometimes use it as a clasp too." Esmeray hummed softly.

"Might as well just call it a family locket at this point!" Dream giggled and Esmeray blinked in surprise. "Oh?" "Dreamy's right... You... You've been so helpful to us and... Would... Would you mind if we call you big brother....?" Nightmare softly asked.

Esmeray blinked in surprise once more and then gave a bright smile. "I don't mind at all... Heh... Happy birthday you two. C'mere." Nightmare and Dream giggled softly and hugged Esmeray.

In the short span that they've known of him, even if it was just a month or two... Esmeray has always been there for them, everyday... They're happy to be around him.


Unbeknownst to the newly found family of three, a transparent figure watched over them and gave a soft smile. "My boys are happy... Thank you, Esmeray." The being whispered, then glanced at the moon and couldn't hold back the smile that crept up to their face. "You planned this... Didn't you?" They whispered, only to be greeted with silence. The ghost simply just chuckled then turned back to glance at their beloved twins, happily chatting away to Esmeray before merging with the tree once more.

Missed by the ghost of the tree, the moon glowed brighter before dimming once more.


* P sure y'all already know who the tree ghost is.

* Edit of 02/29/24: I changed the locket appearance and figured it would fit them more that way uwu

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