[14] Annoyance

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* New character pog??? Or old character 🤔🤔🤔

* What's your guess? :)

┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐

The sound of glass getting smashed was heard as a figure threw everything that was on the table off of it. Poor items, they did nothing wrong.

"So unfair! I almost had him!" The figure yelled, slamming his fists down on the table and grumbling in annoyance. "Boss-" "Shut up!" He yelled before taking a deep breath in, then letting it out. "I almost had him... Damn it!" He growled before he then began to pace around. "My dear darling Error... Why won't he see that me and him were made for each other!" He hissed before frowning. "Was it not punishment enough to have to see his family suffer?"

He then simply sighed and rubbed his nasal bone a bit. "I just want him to surrender to me... Surrender himself to me." He grumbled a bit. "What do I do..." He mumbled and began to pace around. "Was him becoming Error not enough? Do I have to make him suffer more? I don't even want him to hurt but he has it coming for him..." He then grabbed the stapler off the table and threw it at the wall with a raged yell. "Damn it all!" Then he sighed and plopped down on his seat, before looking up at the ceiling. "Mother, what should I do to get my beloved Esmeray's attention?" He softly spoke, sun shaped eyelights staring up.

Frowning when he didn't received an answer, he then shook his skull. "Right right, I have to make sure I do this on my own." The figure nodded to himself and then began to twirl around his office chair for a bit in an attempt to get an idea, his eyelights glowing when he did so. "Got it..." The figure then grinned. "Boys!" "Yes Boss!" "I have a plan... And I'll make sure it works this time... Sooner or later, Esmeray would be mine!" The figure cheered happily, twirling in his chair again before slamming his fists on the table. "Gather the others! The plan must be discussed!" "Yes Boss!"

A happy grin made it's way to his face as he then leaned back. "It wasn't enough when I asked mom to take you from Dreamtale... Nor was it enough to separate you from your brothers, twice... Well... I'll give you a choice then." He chuckled lightly. "Sir Mirage! I've gathered the others!" "Perfect."

He will make sure, Error becomes his.


* What were your guesses? :)

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