[6] Memories

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* Whoops, my hand slipped

┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐

Esmeray gasped as he sat up straight, looking around in worry before coughing a bit. "Wh-what..." Esmeray coughed before his eyesockets widened. "N-no... Mallory! Keres!" Esmeray yelled as he quickly scrambled up and then stumbled lightly, cursing to himself and covering his mouth, the smell of smoke filling the room- actually, smoke in general is filling the room.

"Why- Why is the-ere... Fire?!" Esmeray coughed before he then shook his skull. "Mallory! Keres! Where are you?!" Esmeray yelled once more in worry and quickly rushed out of the room before his eyesockets widened at the fire building up.

"Oh... Oh my Moon..." Esmeray gasped before he quickly rushed towards another room. "Mallory where are you?! Keres! Please answer me!" Esmeray yelled in a panic and then looked around, his eyesockets widening when he saw the bed empty. "Esme!" Esmeray turned to where he heard the yell of his name and rushed out.

"Mallory?! Keres?! Where are you?!" "Esmeeee! Help!" Rushing towards the noise, only to yelp in shock when something hit his skull. Shakily looking up, he saw two people and two children.... No older than four and five, his little siblings. "K-Keres- Mallory!" "Esme get out of here! Please!" "Mallory, Keres no!" Esmeray cried before gasping when he felt the house breaking.

"No! Esme! Let me go! Let me get to my big brother! No! Esme!" His little siblings' yelling was the last thing he's heard before everything went dark.

Esmeray slowly opened his eyesockets, blinking a bit and grumbling when he felt the sun shining on him. Blinking lightly, he then looked down when he felt lumps on his lap and smiling gently at seeing the twins' sleeping form. "Thank you again, My moon..." Esmeray whispered quietly, carefully petting the twins and then leaning back against the tree, he will forever regret not being able to save his little siblings, but there's not much he can do.

After all, the village where the fire incident happened no longer exists, especially when he was left as the only survivor... Saved by the Moon. He then carefully placed his hand on his pocket, feeling a little locket in there. He swore that he will find his siblings no matter what, he may have not been able to save them before, but he was sure that he'll be able to find them.

The Moon told him so, and he trusts the Moon, for he was a devoted follower of the Moon.


"Woooaah! So Mama gave you that?!" Dream gasped in excitement while Esmeray sheepishly laughed and nodded. "Yep." Esmeray hummed while Nightmare carefully felt the star symbol. "It's like my crown! Except it's all floaty." Nightmare couldn't help but grin a bit and Esmeray nodded. "Cool huh? It can also do this, just in case." Esmeray booped his own crown.

Soon enough, the circlet then disappeared, eating away the rest in a little puff of light and the symbol of Esmeray's crown then remained a simply floating item. "That's so cool." The twins grinned.

"Mhmm... And it helps me hide my guardian status from the other villagers." Esmeray chuckled softly and Nightmare smiled a bit. "That's good... That means they won't try to impress you." Nightmare chirped and Esmeray nodded.

"If you're a guardian now, what kind of guardian are you?" Dream curiously asked, Esmeray humming a bit. "I'm the guardian of the night now, Dreamy." Esmeray giggled softly and Nightmare gasped. "Woah! You guard my name!" "Yes, I guard your name." Esmeray laughed while Nightmare giggled softly, Dream just joining in Esmeray's laughter at that.


* We find out why Esmeray said 'again' in the last chapter :D


* Edit of 02/29/24: Apparently, Mallory is pronounced as 'Mah-luh-ree' and Keres is pronounced as 'Ker-rees' lol

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