[24] Disappearance

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* The Disappearance of a Snas AU

* Wonder who that could be

* I had The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku in my head while doing this lmao

┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐

Sneaking into the room, he looked around cautiously before finding what he came for. He then grinned to himself and approached the item and then tried to touch it, but then saw that the machine seems to have kept it's grip on it. He then looked around for a bit before spotting a bunch of documents, walking towards it and scouring through, he smirked a bit and held the documents in front of him, it then burning and then dusting to ashes just like that. They don't need such trivial things... He then went up to a keypad and then hovered his hand over it.

A golden glow escaped before suddenly, the keypad broke itself and the item was released. Quickly grabbing it, he summoned a bunch of bones and pointed it at the machine. "None of you are allowed to find out... Not yet." He couldn't help but cackle as the bones then dug itself to the machine, an alarm then sounding off before he disappeared.

_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐

"What do you mean you don't know what happened?!"

"I mean I don't know! If you couldn't tell the obvious, someone snuck in here and not only destroyed my machine, but took the only sample I have!"

Sci was rubbing his nasal bone, clearly distressed while Nightmare's tentacles swayed aggravatedly behind him. Cross was pacing back and forth while biting on the tips of his distal phalanges worriedly and fearfully. No no no- they couldn't- they couldn't just lose all of their progress like that! Especially when they were so close to finding out where Esmeray is! "Is- Is there any way to regain the lost data?! Or- Or to get back to where you ended off?!" Cross asked desperately and Sci frowned. "If there was, I would've confidently have backup." "Why didn't you even have back up in the first place?!" Cross yelled exasperatedly while Nightmare held him close, the poor monochrome skeleton shaking as tears brimmed his eyesockets. They were so close...!

"I did have back up! But somehow whoever broke in knew where I kept it- and even destroyed the computer and hard disk along with it! That asshole who did this knew where things were, so they might've been spying on us for a while now!" Sci shot back and Nightmare's eyesockets twitched. Whoever the fuck thought it was a good idea to fucking... Do this- they will pay! He will make sure of it! "Fucking... Damn it. How are we gonna explain this to Killer and Dream...?" Nightmare quietly cursed as Cross then turned to hug Nightmare and began to quietly sob on him. Nightmare holding his sibling close and comforting him carefully.

"Is... Is there another way to be able to track Esmeray down...?" Nightmare softly asked and Sci sighed. "If you have some of his magic sample, or even any dna, bone dust, marrow or even tears... I could maybe try and locate him. Would still take long though, but shouldn't be as long as with that capsule." Sci explained and Nightmare slowly nods. "I'll... Find what I can." "Oh, before I forget, it cannot be an item from him by the way. It has to be directly magic or DNA." "Fuck." Nightmare grumbled as he kept rubbing Cross' skull carefully before picking up the oreo. This bitch may be taller than him, but he is still smol in Nightmare's eyes.

"I'll get going then... I feel Negativity from the mansion." Nightmare grumbled a bit and Sci nodded. "Alright... Oh! While you're there, can you ask Error I need some help?" "Why?" Nightmare raised a brow. "I have a sneaking suspicion that he might be a big asset in solving where Esmeray is." "... Alright... I'll tell him once he comes over." Nightmare muttered as he then surrounded Cross and himself with his goop before disappearing from sight. Sci then sighed before sitting on his table and slamming his skull. Fuck! His research all gone to waste! And to top it all off, Cross ended up fucking crying!

With Nightmare, he then reappeared into his home with a sigh before carefully moving to the couch and sitting Cross down. "Cross- Nightmare!" Suddenly, Alter ran into the room in a panic, followed by Crow. "What- What happened?" Nightmare asked in surprise while Crow panted for a bit. "It's- It's Killer..."

"What happened to Killer?" Cross asked worriedly and Crow gulped a bit as Dream then teleported in, huge tears streaming from his eyesockets. "D-Dream?!" "Dream?!" "Nighty... Crossy..." Dream hiccuped as the brothers went towards Dream. "What's wrong- what happened?!"

"I-" Dream hiccuped, hugging Nightmare. "I can't trace or find Killer anywhere!"


* Dun dun dun?? 👀

* Ohhh~ Wonder what happened 🤔

* Yay for update! <33

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