[11] Ambush

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* Ah yes, can't have FGoD without this cliche scene

┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐

There they were, Dream nervously looked around at the many Sanses about, if the plan works, then Error would come out of this okay and not too badly damaged, but if it didn't, then his friend would be even more hurt.

He glanced at all the people who'll be joining the ambush until his eyelights landed on Blue, who seems to also be quite nervous. Dream couldn't blame him, Error was his best friend after all. He then glanced at the final individual, Ink, who was fidgeting with the red vial, he couldn't help but subconsciously place a hand on his right pocket and pressing, making sure the item is secured inside. Soon enough, they saw Error enter the portal.

Ink visibly perked up at that. "Error! Your time of destruction is over! On behalf of all the citizens of this Multiverse, I will..." Dream quickly drowned out Ink's speech, sharing a look with the destroyer once he glanced at his direction, Error then glanced at Blue's direction and gave a soft smile. Dream felt Blue worry even more, but Dream couldn't help but sweatdrop at the Glitch's failed attempt at comfort, but he wasn't that worried. Blue's worst expectation won't be happening after all.

Dream slowly began to withdraw his bow, willing an arrow to form. Dream then gave a small smile at Error and then finished materializing the arrow. It's time. "-and so, with the entire Multiverse screaming for your death, we're here to stop you!" Ink yelled with a proud look while Error blinked. "Huh? Sorry, I couldn't hear what you said, can you repeat that?" Error asked and Ink blinked. "Okay, I was saying that you-" "God damn it Ink!" Someone from the crowd of copy sanses yelled and Ink blinked.

"Wh- Oh wait right- Hey!" Ink yelled in annoyance, stomping his foot before he quickly opened the red vial. "You're gonna pay for that!" Ink then drank the red vial, only to spit it out. "Ink?" Blue looked at Ink in confusion. "This- This isn't my vial..." Ink then growled a bit and Blue's eyesockets widened. "Wait what-" "This isn't paint, this is raspberry juice!" Ink then smashed the vial on the ground, now angered, but not angered enough, where was his red vial?!

"Ink!" Someone quickly yelled and Ink looked up before gasping when he saw a bright teal portal open. "Shit shit shit- this is not part of the plan?! How did they find this AU?! I made sure to close off any possible routes, and that only those from the council can open! " Ink yelled in anger. "Dream fire now!" "O-Oh- Uh." Dream fumbled with his arrow and quickly fired, missing the portal however and grazing a Sans' slipper. "Oi! Watch where you fire that thing!" "Dream!" "T-Too much negativity! I-I'm sorry Ink! " Dream meeped. Truth be told, negativity doesn't bother him anymore, his brother helped him with that.

Ah yes, a little negativity doesn't bother him anymore.

He's Let go of that time now.

Okay he'll stop.

"Well, well, well... Looks like you all were planning something." Nightmare snickered softly when he heard a blaster or two charging. "[FUNK] this! I'm not gonna wait around for your [SHIZ]ty signal anymore!" A Sans yelled and suddenly, more blasters charging. "H-Hey wait!" Blue yelped before gasping when more gasters charged, but then before it could fire, the blasters were quickly destroyed by a bunch of bones.

"You know squid, have you ever wondered if I was ever holding back on you?" Error then gave a sweet smile while Nightmare chuckled softly. More blasters fired, but it was then destrohed by some bones, which they were unable to tell who fired it. Blue blinked in shock, before the shock turned to awe.

"Oh Ink.. I'm surprised that all this time... you never thought that you might have some... followers who's actually against you..." Nightmare smiled softly while Blue gasped, is this what he thinks it is? Nightmare turned to him and his smile widened.

It is!

"What the [FUNK] are you talking about you good for nothing octopus?!" A Fell papyrus yelled from the crowd and Nightmare laughed. "Nottthing~ Just thought that... Maybe, it's time to stop pretending." Nightmare then began to laugh while Blue grinned, watching as those who's sided with them teleported into the center.

"Wh-What the- Sci?!"

"Lust! Why are you there!?!"

"Alter?! What's the meaning of this?!" Alter gave a soft yet sad smile at his Toriel.

"Balance, my dear."

"What do you-"

"Crow what the [FUNK]?! Get out of there!"

"Mafia...? Wh- Why..."

"Reaper... Geno? Why are you guys there...?" Turns out, there seems to be more who's on Nightmare's side, they did expected spies at some point since Sci brought it up, but theh never expected that it would be them as well!

Epic soon then teleported besides Cross and gave him a fist bump. "Bruh!" "Dude! Welcome back!" Then, out of Nowhere, Fresh skated into view and grinned. "Sup my radical homies! I'm with my radical Glitchy's side too!"

Blue then turned to Ink, and smirked, teleporting besides Nightmare. "Bl-Blue...?" Ink stuttered in shock while Blue simply gave a two finger wave. "Sorry, Ink~... But I was never at your side in the first place." Blue chirped and Nightmare looked around, seemingly looking for someone else when Blue nudged him with an elbow. "He's at home." Nightmare nodded, though unsure if that was a good thing or not.

"Wh... Traitors! All of you!" Ink yelled and Nightmare looked around. "Tss... Ah, ah, ah... There's one more." Nightmare shook his skull before smirking widely. "There is?" Blue whispered in curiosity, was there another spy that he was unaware of? Error couldn't stop the smile on his face when he saw Dream unsummon his bow with a sigh annd softly chuckling.


Now, this got even Nightmare's bois curious. Especially since it seems like only Nightmare and Error knew... Well, Also Fresh but that parasite knows everything somehow, they still have yet to find out how he keeps doing it.

"Why don't you step forward?" Nightmare's grin widened as he then walked in front of the spy group, turning towards the group at the front and outstretching his hand. "Brother?" Multiple gasps were heard while Dream simply smiled widely. "Gladly, Brother!" Dream cheered, skip-walking towards Nightmare and then taking his hand. "Dream?!" Blue's gasped in surprise, but his eyelights began to twinkle brighty. So Dream was on their side! Yay! "D-Dream?! Why?!" Ink yelled, anger boiling as his red eyelights glared at those who betrayed him. Dream turned towards Ink as he stood next to his brother and smiling.

"Simple. I'd rather not side with someone who willingly ignores the balance for his own selfish amusement." Dream then smiled lightly. "I've always sided with Nightmare, even before you found me, Hell even before the apple incident!" Dream then grinned excitedly as he spreads his arms wide before he then lowered his arms and held Nightmare's hand. "My brother is still my brother, no matter what form he has taken, or what his reasons are for what he does. Ink, I'm loyal to my family, and that will never change. Not now, not ever."

"You... You [CUSTARD]!" Ink raged before his eyesockets widened when he saw Dream pull out a familiar red vial. "Oh right, before I forget. Aren't you looking for this?" Dream smiled, shaking the vial for a bit before handing it to Nightmare.

"Ohh... So that's where it went." Blue heard Epic's mumbling and couldn't help but giggle a bit. "This is over now Ink! You lost! " Blue exclaimed loudly and laughing at Ink's shocked look, some of the others joining in. Dream's smile never wavering, only increasing.

Ah, betrayal is so fun.

"So, we'd honestly love to stay and chat but..." Error then smiled a bit while Dream opened a portal somewhere. "We gotta leave."


"ATTACK THEM! ATTACK THEM NOW!" Multiple yells rang out, but the little group easily deflected it as they left, before going straight to Nightmare's castle.


* Betrayal IS fun :D

* Edit of 3/21/24: Once again, lengthened the words and madd it sound less cringey. Hope you guys liked the upgraded writing format xhdhfjf

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