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November 1991

Following Rami and Lilliana's wedding, the Queen family saw a lot of change. Not long after Brian's second daughter Emma was born, he split with Chrissie after having an affair with another woman, Anita Dobson.

Roger separated from Dominique and the year following he started a relationship with a woman called Debbie, she has not long had his second son, Rufus.

Life for the Deacons is mostly the same. Katie and Said have now started Reception Year at school. Rami has received his British citizenship and is working in the high school he was offered a job at. Lilliana has a contract with The British History Museum and The Natural History Museum as their interior designer when a new exhibit is coming in and she has her own business for private interior design.

Lilliana had dropped the twins at school and is on her way to go and see Freddie. John visited the singer two days ago and rang her after both upset and to tell her to go see Freddie soon as he's declining rapidly.

Pulling onto the drive through the flurry of paparazzi, she goes straight into the house once the gate closed behind her.

"How is he?" She asks meeting Jim in the front hallway as he comes down the stairs, empty bowl in hand.

Jim avoids her question answering with, "He'll be happy to see you."

She can see the pain and sadness in his eyes so she doesn't force him to answer the question, "Can I go up?"

"Of course," Jim gives a small smile this time, it doesn't reach his eyes though. Last night Freddie's aids diagnosis was released to the press.

Knocking on Freddie's bedroom door, she opens it to find he's not alone, "Oh, I'm sorry you've already got company."

"Nonsense Sweet Flower," Freddie stops her from leaving, "The more the merrier, you know David anyway."

"Of course, I do, nice to meet you again Mr Bowie."

"David, please," He smiles, "It's lovely to see you too. You've matured some since I last saw you though, you're married now am I right?"

"Yes to Rami. You meet him during Live Aid, I have a son and daughter too, Katie and Said, twins."

"Two beautiful angels," Freddie smiles listening as they talk. Talking too much can tire him out now so he's found joy in listening to others speak.

"Your dad was telling me when I last saw him," David remembers the photos John showed him, "A lovely growing family I'm glad to hear. I think you've found quite the doting grandpa with Deaky."

"Oh yes," Lilliana chuckles, "He's certainly a loved grandpa, Katie is besotted with him and Said things his cool because of his guitar."

"The boy's going to follow in his grandpa's footsteps," Freddie muses.

"I wouldn't object if he wants to," At the age of 4, Said loves Queen, she puts the albums on all the time and Said loves to listen.

"Well, I best be going," David stands saying goodbye to Freddie, a proper heartfelt one as he knows I might be the last, "It was nice to see you again, Lily."

Once he's gone, Lilliana turns entirely to Freddie, "How are you feeling?"

"Better for seeing you, Sweet Flower," He strokes Delilah's fur as she moves to sit right next to him, "I enjoy all company but I'll admit I enjoy yours the most, I like to hear about those beautiful twins of yours."

She picks up Tiffany and holds her to her chest while chatting away with the singer, catching him up on what he's missed and showing him photos of them in their uniforms.

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