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February 1982

Over the next year and a half, Paul's violation of Lilliana continued whenever he could get a moment alone with her.

He kisses her, touches her in ways she originally hated and makes her feel things she didn't want to. But after a year of it, Lilliana has come to think of it as normal.

"Well I'm definitely taking Sociology, Geography, History and probably a language," They make their way out of school. It's the end of the week and all Year 9 students have been given the forms and booklet to choose their GCSE options. Clover is planning to go to University and become a primary school teacher. "What options do you two think you'll take?"

"The main thing I need to be a paramedic is Science," Poppy answers, "but that's already compulsory so I'll take P.E, maybe History and probably a language too."

"Well Art is a definite for me," Lilliana looks over the list of options, "French, then Music and History like you two."

"Lily!" They're interrupted as a car pulls up beside them, the driver is none other than Paul Prenter.

"Want a lift home?" He smiles only putting it on so Clover and Poppy don't suspect anything.

"No thank you, Paul. I'll walk home," Why he is driving past her school Lilliana isn't sure since he doesn't live in this area, but she knows if she gets in the car, he'll take her somewhere before taking her home.

The last time he had her alone he said something that worries her, "Now that your 14th birthday coming soon you'll be ready to take the next step with our arrangement."

"You sure you don't want a lift?" His smile stays but she can see in his eyes that he is warning her not to say no.

But having her friends around her helps her be brave for once, "No thanks, I'll walk with my friends."

"Suit yourself," He scowls and drives off.

"Who was that?" Clover frowns, she's met Freddie, Roger, Brian and John but no one else in the Queen family. Not officially anyway.

"Paul Prenter," Poppy turns her nose up, "He's Queen's personal assistant, Lily hates him and so do I."

Clover gets the message, "Oh, I hear ya. I could practically smell creep on him."

Staying quiet the rest of the way home, Lilliana worries what Paul might do because she said no. He's punished her before but this is the first time she's defied him in front of others.

Getting home, no one is there so she gets changed and goes in search of Tiger. She finds him on her parent's bed, she lays on it beside him and hugs him, stroking and kissing the fur on his head, snout and body then buries her face in his fur.

She misses the days when he was just her dog and he'd go everywhere with her but she's also glad to be free of seizures and medication.

John is the first to arrive home, he's greeted by a quiet home, a very rare thing. He knows Veronica will have gone to pick Robert and Michael up from school and nursery taking Laura with her but he notes Lilliana's school shoes by the front door.

Figuring she would have said hello by now if she was downstairs, he heads upstairs and finds his eldest fast asleep on his and Veronica's bed cuddling Tiger.

"You're a spoilt dog, you know that right?" He chuckles talking to the golden retriever. The dog looks at him when he speaks wagging his tail then moves his head back to lying on Lilliana's shoulder.

He grabs a camera a snaps a picture of the cute moment then the rest of the Deacon family burst in the front door stirring Lilliana from her nap.

"Hey dad," She yawns, squeezing Tiger before sitting up.

"Afternoon," He chuckles again, "Once the boys are busy with their homework, come downstairs please, your mum and I need to ask a favour."

She meets her parents in the kitchen half hour later, "So what's the favour?"

"Freddie is having a party tonight. Would you mind babysitting your brothers and Laura?"

"We won't be back late," John assures her, if Freddie is anything like he has been the past few months they'll be there an hour at most, "Poppy's dad has said you can go and get him if you need an adult or something happens. And I'll add extra to your pocket money."

"Yeah, okay," She doesn't mind, if Freddie is having a party it means Paul will be there too she so doesn't have to worry about him tonight.

Once they've had dinner and the boys are getting ready for bed, John and Veronica head out.


The couple sat with Roger and Dominique and Brian and Chrissie for most of the party, just talking and laughing until Freddie joins them, "Fabulous isn't it?" The singer gestures to the party going on around them.

"If you say so," Brian raises an eyebrow. "Your starting to look like each other," He gestures between Freddie and Paul for their similar style.

"What's wrong with that Brian?" Paul shrugs.

Brian ignores the question, "You're meant to be in a rock band Freddie, not the village people."

Freddie laughs, "You might want to think about cutting your hair one day."

"Never. I was born like this," The others laugh with the guitarist.

Freddie changes the subject when a new song comes on, trying to get them to dance, "I don't dance Fred."

"I'll need a few more of these for that," John holds up his glass.

"It's my party and I demand you dance," The singer tries again, "By royal decree."

Roger and Dominique exchange the same look that it's time to go, "We're gonna go actually."

"Oh god, you're dull. If you were anymore dull you'd be Deaky." John takes that to heart and agrees with Veronica it's time to go too.

"What are you complaining about? You've got your little pet," Roger glares at Paul. Brian and Chrissie follow them out of the party.

When Paul first became their personal assistant Roger hadn't minded him, he would never have called the man a friend but he got on with him. But now he's trying to pull Freddie away from them, he thoroughly hates the man, and adding to it he can't count the number of times he's caught Paul staring at Lilliana when she is with them.

It's disturbing, he has a bad feeling that he's up to something more with his niece but he has no proof other than the staring. He'll gut the man himself if he finds out Paul is doing something to Lilliana.

John and Veronica got a taxi home, what they didn't expect though is to come home and find blue light police outside their home and neighbours standing around being nosey.

Exiting the taxi, John spots Poppy's dad, "James?" He calls and Mr Scott turns to them, "What on earth is going on?"

"Someone broke into your house..."

"What?!" John panics pushing past him and walking up to a police officer, "Excuse me."

"Can you step back please..." The police officer orders.

"No, you don't understand," John doesn't move, "I live there, that's my house. My children are in there, what's going on?"

"John," Veronica gasps grabbing his arm. She points to a man being escorted by the police out of the house to the police car where another man has already been caught.

An officer follows with a blood-covered knife in a forensics bag and paramedics go in, "Who's blood is that?" She demands tears in her eyes.

"What's happened and where are my children?" John repeats the question praying that the blood belongs to one of the burglars and not one of his children.

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