Home Alone

443 22 16

March 1987

The first of March arrived but the twins did not.

Lilliana's midwife had originally suggested inducing her at this point but scans show no reason to induce. Both babies are still a healthy weight and show no signs of distress so it was agreed to let them come when they're ready with scans every week until she is 40 weeks.

Lilliana was both disappointed and relieved by this news. Inducing labour before a baby is ready is always a risk so it eases her worries however, this was a decision made at 36 weeks. She is now nearly 39 weeks pregnant, ready to meet her daughters and wants her body back.

Not only is she ready but the rest of her family is too, Rami hovers around her 24/7 waiting for her to go into labour. Her parents and Rami's mum are in New York ready to meet their first grandchildren and all siblings are within hearing distance of the phone for news. Since Lilliana's siblings all have school, they had to stay in London and Rami's are both stuck working.

Joe and Azalea just want them to be born so Lilliana will stop throwing intense cravings and mood swings at them without warning.

Lilliana herself is ready for labour, her hospital bag is ready by the door, the car seat is in Rami's car and the nursery is ready. They couldn't be more ready.

It was 5pm on the 20th of March, Rami is working a parent's evening, Azalea is working a night shift at the museum for a special event, her parents and Rami's mum are at their hotels and Joe is at a friend's.

At the start of the evening, Lilliana appreciated the evening to herself. With peace in the apartment, she sat on the sofa enjoying her current craving for ice cream and pickles while watching a film.

Lilliana rarely had an evening to herself with four adults living in the flat, so she's savouring it. Setting aside her bowl, she rests her hands on her bump, talking to her daughters, "You know you can come anytime you want now. Twins are meant to come early..." She feels movement under her hand but nothing more, "I guess you girls want to be different."

Seeing the movement freaked her out at the beginning, the way they stretched her skin but she loves the feeling now and she'll miss that once they're born. Finding the movement hypnotic, sleep gradually pulls her into a nap.

Waking a little later with the urge to pee, she glances out the window noting it is unusually dark, as is the apartment.

With the need to pee very urgent, she stands to go the bathroom she thinks nothing of it when more comes out than usual. She hadn't bothered to put the light on in a hurry not to pee herself.

She figures out she slept for an hour going by the time on the clock when she came back out. It also tells her she has another two hours till Rami gets home.

She moves to turn on the lamp by the sofa but it doesn't work, she then looks about the room testing the main lights, the TV etc... it doesn't take a genius to work out it was a power cut.

A knock draws her to the front door, opening it she feels Charlie standing there, "Oh, hello Charlie, is it a power cut?"

"Yes Miss," The older gentleman confirms, "Happened about fifteen minutes ago the whole area has gone off. I just came to check if you're alright?"

Smiling at his concern she nods, "Yes I'm fine, thank you. I'm guessing it's just a case of sitting and waiting it out?"

"I'm afraid so Miss. I know you're home alone so if you need anything the internal phone to the front desk is still working for now, so if you need anything phone down."

"Thank you," She smiles again and lets him go.

To pass the time, she clears away the mess she's made and does the washing up, thankfully they still have water.

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