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Thank you guys for the birthday messages yesterday, I've spent the last few days in London sightseeing.

"Right, that's Brian and Roger done. We know where to get Freddie's so it's just Ronnie left. Any idea's Lil?" With only two weeks until Christmas, John has taken Lilliana Christmas shopping.

He's got all of Lilliana's presents as well as Tigers, his mums and Julies, he now needs to get Christmas presents for Roger, Freddie, Brian and Veronica.

"I don't know," Lilliana shrugs they walk down the high street searching for ideas, "Oh, I know," She pulls him by the hand into a shop, "She likes this perfume."

"How do you know that?" He frowns, it's a good option Veronica doesn't like to buy expensive things for herself so he likes to buy them for her.

"She said she liked it when she took me out last weekend to get your Christmas present... oh," She clasps a hand over her mouth, "I wasn't meant to tell you that."

Smirking, he picks up a bottle of perfume off the shelf and heads to the till pretending like he didn't hear what she said.

When they're done shopping, they start the walk home, John is trying to save for a car but with the studio on hold due to them running out of money, saving for both is taking its time, "I know what else you could do for V," Lilliana speaks after a while of walking quietly beside her dad, Tiger's lead in hand.

"I'm all ears," He encourages her to continue.

"You could ask V to move in with us," She looks up at him almost pleading.

It's not what he expected her to say but he can't deny he wouldn't mind asking Veronica to move in. They may have only been together a few months but he can picture a life with her and he loves her, she gets on well with Lilliana too and is a good mother figure for her.

"Hmm.... I'll have to think about that one," It would be a big change but he doesn't want to push Veronica if she's not ready to take that next step, "It's not a bad idea though."


With Lilliana excited to celebrate her first proper Christmas, the days leading up to it drag. When Christmas Eve arrives, she is ready for bed by half past 7.

"So cookies and milk are out for Santa. You ready for bed?" Veronica asks taking the biscuit plate from her and putting it on the table. John is in his room wrapping Lilliana's Christmas presents so Veronica has the honour of putting her to bed.

Lilliana pouts, "What about the reindeer? They can't be left out, they might get hungry."

"There are some carrots in the fridge," John chips in coming out of his room in search of more seller type, "The reindeer can have one of those," He gets one out and puts into on the plate, intending to put it back once she is asleep, "Goodnight, sweetpea," He kisses her head, grabs what he needs and retreats to his room to finish up.

"Okay, bed," Veronica orders following Lilliana to her bedroom, she lets Tiger out while Lilliana gets changed and does her teeth, then tucks her in as Tiger lies behind his human, "Goodnight Lily," She kisses her forehead passing her Leo the lion that fell on the floor then kisses Tiger head, "You too Tig."

She pulls Lilliana's door too and goes in search of John. He's just finishing as she enters, she helps him move all the presents under the tree, they share the cookies and milk then head to bed themselves knowing it's going to be an early start.

The following morning Lilliana stirs with a yawn, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, "Morning Tig," She wraps her arms around his head kissing his snout. Gasping, she sits up realising what day it is, "Tiger, it's Christmas!"

Deaky's DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora