New Family

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An extra chapter this week because it is, of course, John Deacon's birthday today. Happy Birthday, Deaky!!! You will have a chapter on Sunday as normal.

"Where is she?" Freddie bursts through the door the next morning nearly hitting John in the process and making Tiger bark from inside Lilliana's room, "I have presents."

"Christ Freddie," John holds a hand to his chest, glaring at him, "You could have knocked."

Freddie just brushes past the bassist, "Sorry dear, but I have presents and I must give them first so I can be the favourite." Mary lightly apologises for her boyfriend's rude interruption.

"Not a chance," Roger barges in before John can close the door, Brian hot on his heels, "I'm going to be the favourite. We share a birthday so it has to be me."

Brian notices the quiet flat, "So where is she?"

"She was asleep, Brian," John rolls his eyes, Veronica is also enjoying a lie-in, "You guys know it's only 8 o'clock, right? I'm surprised Roger is even awake."

Before John can go and see if Tiger's bark woke Lilliana up, her bedroom door opens and she comes out in her pyjamas. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she misses the fact that they have company, lets Tiger out into the garden and goes to the bathroom herself.

"She's smaller than I remember," Brian mutters, "Have you told your mum and sister yet?"

"No," It's on his to-do list, "Telling them over the phone seems wrong but a need to tell them soon, I know mum will want to buy her something for Christmas and that's only two months away."

"Why don't..." Mary is interrupted by a small gasp.

They all turn to the sound, Lilliana is standing shyly by the kitchen counter. John waves her over, "Morning Lily, we have company. This is Brian, Roger, Freddie and Mary."

She seems to register who they are, "Tank you for helping me the other day."

"Your welcome, sweety," Mary smiles, "We're just glad you're okay."

Scratching at the back door pulls John away to let Tiger back in. The golden retriever runs over to Lilliana, barking at them till Lilliana orders him to be quiet.

"You said this fluff ball's name is Tiger?" Roger kneels giving the dog a fuss. Tiger sniffs the stranger's hand and then basks in the attention when he realises they are not a threat to his human.

"Yeah, he trained for a year and now he's my service dog. He's my best buddy," She strokes his back.

"Alright blondie, no need to hog her. This is for you, lovie," Freddie interrupts holding up a big gift bag.

Lilliana frowns moving over to the singer, "But it's not my birthday or Christmas."

"No, but we wanted to get you something this is from me and Mary," He gives her the gift bag.

Sitting on the floor, Lilliana pulls out a huge array of drawing and colouring pencils, there is a sketchbook in the bag too, "Your dad informed me that you like to draw."

"I love it, tank you," She smiles shyly.

"Sticking with things you like to do," Brian gets her attention next and hands her a present, "Your dad also said you like stories."

"I like getting lost in a story," She rips the paper off revealing a collection of books ranging in age, "Tank you."

Roger then gives her his gift, "Since we share a birthday."

Under the wrapping paper is a cuddly lion teddy, "Leo the lion," She grins and throws herself onto him in a hug.

Brian and Freddie sigh in defeat, Roger has won. The blonde smiles hugging her back, "I also got this for Tiger," He pulls a bone out of his pocket and pulls the packaging off giving it to the playful pup.

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