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"Your Pregnant?" Rami repeats Lilliana's words as she sits on the bed.

"I'm pregnant," She nods, the words weighing on her chest. It's not that she doesn't want children with Rami but while he has graduated and is now working at a local high school, she wanted to at least wait and get through her last year of Uni before such a big step.

Rami had agreed with this wholeheartedly and the day after the proposal, they agreed to have the wedding in a year after she graduated.

She also can't understand how it happened, she's on the pill and Rami always uses protection so they both must have failed because she hasn't been with anyone else.

"I'm sorry," She mutters, "I want to be excited this time around we've talked about a future together and this was part of the plan but..."

"The timing is rubbish," He finishes her sentence, "It also brings up the question of where do we settle?"

"I think New York for the time being while I finish my course," She can do that while pregnant she's seen other students do it.

"Then we'll move to London after that," Rami confirms.

Lilliana frowns, she's been offered two contracts for when she finishes Uni, working for the Museum of Natural History or the Natural History Museum in London, so either would work for her, but it seems unfair to make him leave his family, "But you'd have to retrain for the English curriculum if we moved to London and wouldn't you miss your family."

"A little but I honestly picture us settling happier in London than New York. Your family is far bigger than mine too. To answer the other question, some retraining but I'd only need to take a short course when we do move to London."

Having their child grow up around her family is something she wants wholeheartedly but she still feels bad about the idea of pulling Rami away from his.

Sighing, feeling extremely conflicted about this choice, she turns and sits back against the headboard, head on Rami's shoulder, "Let me finish Uni and we can go from there."

"You want to keep it then?" He mutters playing with her fingers.

Lifting her head, she nods, "I do, it's different this time because it's with you."

She can embrace the idea of being a mum far better this time knowing that her child isn't the result of her past with Paul.

Realising this will affect him too, she then asks him the same question, "Do you want the baby? And please be honest, I know this is unexpected."

"Of course I do, I just didn't want you to feel pressured if it wasn't what you wanted yet," She's only just turned 18 so it's a big step.

"It's in the wrong order but so what. My dad had me before he got with V and then I'm aware that V was pregnant with Robert when she and dad got married," They can't criticize them for this but she knows they won't, they only took it bad the first time because it was Paul's doing, "Maybe our little boy or girl could be part of our wedding when the day comes."

"As flower girl or ring bearer," Rami smiles imagining it, "I quite like that idea."

With their minds made up on keeping the baby, they reveal the news to John and Veronica at dinner, "Does that mean I'm going to be an Aunty?" Laura asks excitedly.

"Yes and Robbie, Mikey and Josh will be Uncles," It's a bit weird to say that considering her siblings are 10, 7, 6 and 1 but she has a feeling she could have more siblings in the future.

"It's not the news we were expecting," John admits, he thought they were going to say they've picked a date for the wedding but he can bring himself to be mad with this news, not this time, "But I think it's a lovely surprise."

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