A/N: Taking a Break

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Hi readers,

I'm really sorry to do this but I think I'm going to take a pause with writing this book. I've lost my mojo for it maybe because life is just so busy I don't feel like I have the time to give chapters my full attention.

I'm also struggling mental health-wise again, which isn't helping.

This is not a discontinuation of this book, just a pause. I have some chapters waiting to go, but I'm really stuck on where this book is going and how it will end.

I will upload chapters when they are ready to go, but I cannot give a schedule or tell you how often that will be.

I'm sorry again for doing this, I'll try not to drop off the face of the earth entirely and I hope that in time I can at least bring this book to a good ending.

Thank you for all your support in my books so far I appreciate every vote, comment and read. I hope to come back to writing, but sadly life as an adult is getting in the way.

Thanks, Ahsoka98

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