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Beginning November 1971

When John and Lilliana got back to London after staying with his family for a few days, John got the news that Lilliana can go to her old home to retrieve her things now the police are done with their investigations.

Roger gives them a lift to the house, they collect all of Lilliana's clothes and extra meds that had been left behind, Tiger's things and the officer that was there when they arrived handed John a folder with relevant documents related to Lilliana and/or her service dog.

Following that, with Veronica's help, John registered Lilliana into the nursery at the school Veronica teaches. To get Lilliana comfortable with being there, she will do half days until the New Year.

On the morning of her first day, John wakes her gives her breakfast then helps her get ready, "You alright, Sweetpea? Your very quiet."

Over the last two weeks they've got into a routine they have breakfast together then on the way to work, John would drop her off with Freddie or Roger's flat or both of them at their stall in Kensington Market and she'd spend the day with them. He'd pick her up when they finish and go to meet Veronica from work sometimes stopping at the park on the way if they have time.

In that two weeks, Lilliana has started to come out of her shell. She's full of energy when playing with Tiger and very inquisitive but she has her quieter moments to draw or read too.

Roger is, without doubt, her favourite person, she loves helping him at the stall but the best part of the day is in the hour before bedtime when she sits in John's lap for cuddles while he's either writing in his notebook or catching up on the day with Veronica when she comes over.

Even during cuddles, she's never this quiet, "Are you nervous?"

"Yeah, what if they don't like me or treat me different because I have Tiger."

"Well from my experience, if there is a dog or pet in a classroom full of children they love it," Veronica assures her taking a hairbrush to brush Lilliana's hair into a ponytail, "Of course, you have to make sure you know who your friends are."

"Exactly," John gets Tiger's service vest on while Veronica is finishing her hair, "And if they don't like you for who you are it is their problem, not yours, we love you but I know you're going to make friends. Often the best way is to have one good friend than lots of fake ones. Also, remember that Tiger is there to do his job at protecting you not be a pet so don't let others distract him too much or let him distract you from your work unless it's an emergency."

"I won't, I promise," She grabs her backpack off the side and attaches Tiger's lead to his harness. John opens the door and then holds out his hand, she takes it and they start the walk to school.

Arriving outside the nursery building, John feels Lilliana squeeze his hand, "Ready?"

She nods and they are met by her teacher at the entrance, "Good morning," The teacher smiles brightly, "I'm Miss Jenkins. You must be Lilliana and Tiger, do you prefer Lily?"

"Yes please."

"Excellent, I look forward to teaching you. Mr Deacon a pleasure to meet you," She shakes his hand, "Do you have any questions or concerns?"

"No concerns, I know you're aware of her epilepsy my only question is what time do I pick her up?" Lilliana has barely been in his life a month but he still feels emotional to be leaving her at school for the first time, even if it's only for half a day.

"Half-day children are to be picked up at 12."

John nods and crotches to Lilliana's level, "I'll be here to pick you up later, be good and be yourself," He kisses her cheek pulling her into a quick hug, "Look after her, Tig," He ruffles the dog's fur playfully.

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