Double Trouble

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November 1986

Rami, Lilliana, Azalea and Joe quickly settled back into Uni life, despite being pregnant, it hasn't affected Lilliana as much as she thought it would. Yes, she's had normal pregnancy symptoms but they've been mild.

She and Azalea went back to working at the Museum of Natural History though she only does one day a week so she has some time to rest.

Weeks passed quickly and before they know it, they are at the 20-week scan to find out what they are having. Her whole family has been placing bets, two girls, two boys or one of each. They're hoping for the latter but given that boys outweigh girls in both their families they're expecting it to be two boys.

Their midwife, Megan, takes the necessary measurements and then conducts the scan, "Both babies' heartbeats are strong and a good size for twins. In most twin cases babies run smaller but in your case, they both appear to be a healthy weight. But we'll keep an eye on that as your pregnancy progresses."

It's a relief for them both to hear though Lilliana is dreading carrying them both towards the later months, "I know of course that the real thing you to know is what you're having?"

"Oh yes please," Lilliana nods grinning, it's all they've talked about on the run-up to the appointment.

"The entire family is waiting with bated breath," Rami chuckles.

"Good to hear," Megan smiles looking over the screen closely, "Well I can tell it's double pink, tea parties and princesses to come, they're both girls."

"Really?" Lilliana cries tears of pure happiness, she had pretty much ruled that result out.

"Absolutely," She turns the screen for them to see and presses a button to hear the heartbeats.

Rami squeezes her hand tears in his own eyes, "I think the females in our family will be happy with that news."

For a mini celebration, they go for lunch following the appointment, "Are you sad your not getting a little boy?" She asks while sipping her water.

"Of course not," He reaches across the table to squeeze her hand, "I would like a little boy someday and in the future maybe it can happen, but I get two little girls to dote on who will be as beautiful as their mum and will have stolen my heart within the first few hours of being born," He's excited to have two daughter's after hearing stories from John about his bond with Lilliana when she was little, he hopes to create a similar bond with his girls.

Their family and friends were thrilled to be told the news and at Christmas to save Lilliana flying while 27 weeks pregnant and huge, her words not theirs, the Deacons and the Malek's joined Lilliana and Rami in New York at the apartment. It's the first year she got to see the New Year's Eve ball drop since she's usually at home for the New Year.


Going into 1987, Rami and Lilliana got busy sorting everything they need for the babies' arrival, picking names and turning one of the rooms into a temporary nursery, all while Lilliana continues with her Uni course.

She's also started studying for her finals which will start after Easter. She is well aware that after Easter she will have her hands full so if she can study until the babies arrive then she'll feel more prepared.

Another looming fact that has come to life is that Lilliana's US visa comes to an end at the end of July at which point the babies will go with her once their passports arrive but sadly Rami can't go with them until his visa is granted.

He applied at the beginning of January but the process takes around 6-8 months meaning it could be the end of September before Rami is living with them in the UK and that's assuming he gets accepted. Potentially two months away from them and the thought of it upsets him because that's two months of his daughter's lives that he might miss.

All of the paperwork stuff has stressed Lilliana out more than she thought it would, it was another reason why she had wanted to wait till they were settled before having children but life clearly had other plans.

As valentines day came around Rami decided to take Lilliana out for dinner to help her relax and as a last date night before their daughters arrive. Knowing that his fiancé is uncomfortable and a little self-concussion at 34 weeks, he booked a private table for them.

The waiter shows them to the table, "You didn't have to go to all this trouble," She bites her bottom lip to fight back tears, stupid hormones.

Rami comes up behind her, kissing her cheek once the waiter left them alone for a moment, "This is our last date before we officially become parents, I want it to be special," He pulls out the chair for her to sit down before taking his seat.

"I know that you're uncomfortable as well as worried about the visa stuff but I don't want you to worry, I want you to relax as much as possible until they arrive. Everything else will sort itself out, I might be annoyed at two months away from you three but two months in exchange for the rest of our lives together sounds like a good exchange to me."

Beaming Lilliana turns the conversation into a light-hearted one, "It also gives you two months of uninterrupted sleep so when you finally join us, you can take over for a couple of days so I can have some uninterrupted sleep."

Laughing Rami changes the subject entirely once the waiter takes their order, "I was thinking it's about time we have some set names for our girls."

"I know I just can't find the right ones, though I do like Katie, it was my biological birth mother's name," She barely remembers her birth mum and sometimes feel sad for not knowing her. Her mum didn't abandon her intentionally, she'd gone out to make money to support them both and from what Lilliana can remember her mum was loving, affectionate and caring when she was at home.

"Katie's a nice name, we just need one to go with it," He thinks while the waiter bought out their food, "What about Madison or Charlotte?"

"Katie and Madison or Katie and Charlotte," Lilliana tests the names on her tongue, "I think I like Katie and Madison better. Katie Malek, Maddy Malek," It makes her smile finally giving her daughter's names.

"Then once I've started applying for my citizenship, I can make you Lilliana Malek."

"I hope so," She'd be Mrs Malek now if she could but a proper wedding is something they both want, not necessarily big and white but all their family and friends there to witness their vowed commitment to each other and celebrate with. They're also rather attached to the idea of having their daughters as flower girls for the wedding.

"You don't think we should have a boy's name at hand just in case?" Lilliana asks out of nowhere, since getting pregnant she was convinced she was having a boy but even with the confirmation from her midwife that they're both girls, she can't let the feeling go.

Rami shakes his head, chuckling, "You can't let that go huh?"

"I know it's stupid, we saw it on the screen for ourselves but I can't let it go."

"Would you be against having Said?"

"After your dad?"

"Yeah, I just thought that..."

"Of course, I'm not against it," She interrupts him, "I don't mind at all, Katie and Said kind of work together."

"Said Malek it is then, but I still don't think we're going to need it," They finish up their meal making small talk before heading back to the apartment.

With the names picked for their children, Lilliana felt a sense of readiness to become a mum and she hopes it won't be much longer.

So I'm off work for a week so there will be an extra update at some point this week, probably Wednesday, but that day isn't definite. 

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