Moving House

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This is a short filler chapter sorry.

October 1975

After coming back from the farm, Lilliana settled no more nightmares or zoning out. She was glad to be back with her mum and brother.

A couple of weeks later Queen also returned home. Trident refused to release Bohemian Rhapsody as their single so they quit their contract with Trident and signed a new deal with EMI records in the UK and Elektra records in America.

John finally got the money loan he needed to get a mortgage and brought a five-bedroom house in Putney, London. With Queen going back on tour in November he pushed the paperwork to be done quickly so they can be in and settled before he is gone.

Moving day is the 1st of October and a school day which John was glad about because means he doesn't have to worry about where Lilliana is, while they were moving everything.

As well as hiring a moving van, Freddie, Brian and Roger helped them with the move. It takes most of the morning to pack up all the boxes and furniture into the van and three cars.

John thought he'd be a little sad to leave the flat, it's where they brought Lilliana and Robert home but he's honestly just glad to have the new house. There's so much more space with five bedrooms, a big garden for Tiger and lots of room to extend, it's just what they need.

It's in a quiet suburban area which he prefers and it's closer to Lilliana's school which means she can walk to school on her own once she's older enough, it's closer for Veronica too once she goes back to work after maternity leave. It's also on the same street as Poppy's house, it was Poppy's dad that told John about the house being for sale.

Around three, Veronica leaves the boys to get the last of the furniture in place and goes to collect Lilliana, with Robert in his pram, "You excited to see the new house?" She asks her daughter on the walk home.

"Can I pick my room?"

"We were going to give you the biggest after mine and your dad's room since you're the oldest, but if you'd prefer to pick I don't see why not."

"I know it's not his fault but Robbie crying keeps me awake at night sometimes and tiredness is the biggest cause for my..." Lilliana has come to love having a little brother but his crying does keep her awake at night sometimes.

After having a good conversation with Dr Melrose about her epilepsy and the process going forward, it was agreed that brain surgery would not be discussed as an option until she is in her late teens since children can grow out of it. The best way to achieve that though is by lessening the number of seizures she has and taking her medication correctly.

"Seizures," Veronica finishes her sentence understanding entirely, "The room furthermost from the nursery can be yours then. We want those seizures to go so that's fair."

None of them wants her to have brain surgery, so if she can grow out of it and have a more normal life with no worrying about having seizures, she's all for doing what needs to be done to help that happen.

Arriving at the new house Lilliana looks up at it with her jaw dropped, "Wow," She runs into the house with Tiger hot on her heels, "There's some much room in here."

"Lily," John calls from the top of the stairs, "Come up and choose your room."

Besides the master room and the smallest room which John and Veronica agreed will be the nursery, there are three rooms left to choose from.

She dismisses the biggest room as it's right next to the nursery and opts for the second biggest furthermost away but the deciding factor is what's built into to room, "A bunk bed!" She grins.

"You know you have a bed, right?" John frowns bringing a box with her name on it into the room she has now dubbed as hers.

"Yeah but this one is cooler," She climbs the ladder up to it, "And I have more floor room to paint and draw and I can make a bed area underneath for Tiger."

"Yeah Deaks, a bunk bed is way cooler," Roger snickers bringing in another box, he's laughing but at her age, he probably would believe it's cool too.

"Okay then. I guess that means we have a spare bed for when Robert gets older."

"Can I paint my walls?" Lilliana looks down from her new bed.

"Of course, any colour you like."

"No. I mean can I leave them this light pink than paint them when I have ideas?"

"Hmm..." John isn't sure he likes that idea.

Freddie comes in at the right moment and aids her in battle, "Come on Deaks, I know drawing on the walls is something we are all told not to do by our mothers, but our sweet flower is an artist in the making. If she has ideas for the walls why not let her paint."

He can't argue with that, "If I say yes, you must keep your painting to your walls only. If I see any paintings on walls outside your room, I will take your paints off you and repaint your walls in one colour of my choice, is that a deal?"

"Deal," She pinky promises, "Thanks, Uncle Freddie."

"Your welcome lovie," Freddie muses ruffling her hair, "Just don't make regret backing you up."

Along with the built-in bunk bed, there is built-in shelving under the bed and shelving on one of the walls making a desk. Because of this, she doesn't need much of her old furniture except her wardrobe, meaning that once all her things are unboxed and in the room, it is done. Her old furniture will go elsewhere in the house.

After dinner, Lilliana takes Tiger out to play in the new back garden, which is far bigger than the one at the flat

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After dinner, Lilliana takes Tiger out to play in the new back garden, which is far bigger than the one at the flat.

A thunderstorm rolled in as John tucked her that night, "It's okay Lil, it can't hurt you, remember," He assures her, seeing the fear in her eyes with the flash of lightning.

Even with this reassurance, John hears his bedroom door open an hour later as the storm is right on top of them. She doesn't wait for him to roll over she just walks around the bed and climbs on his side, "I had a seizure."

"Absent or tonic-clonic?" He pulls her into a hug, kissing her forehead.

"Absent," She yawns, "I got down the ladder to close the blind, I couldn't reach the cord so I was coming to get you then I can't remember what happened until I came back to I was sitting on the floor with Tiger in my lap."

"That's okay," Moving house is stressful he expected Lilliana to have a seizure at least once during the move, "Besides it being a new house, moving is stressful and it was bound to have some effect on you. Go to sleep, I'll note it down in your book tomorrow."

Once she's asleep, he carries her back to her bed, tucking her in again. He moves to the window and pulls the blind down, making another mental note to extend the cord tomorrow so she can reach it.

Time jump ahead, but we are back to updates every Sunday as I'm back at work.

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