Being Away

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This is a slight filler chapter but before we get into the chapter I want to say a few things.

First, RIP Queen Elizabeth II. Thank you, Ma'am, for all your years of service, devotion and care. You'll be remembered for years to come.

Second, my thoughts go out to those remembering the terrible loss of people during the 9/11 attacks, RIP.

4th April 1974

The 13th of July 1973 saw Queen release its first studio album, Queen. The following September they went on a UK tour promoting the album and also as a support band for Mott the Hoopla.

After touring, they got back into the studio and on the 8th of March 1974, Queen II was released. They once again went on a UK tour but not a support band this time.

Now 5 years old, Lilliana is sitting at the table with Veronica, going through her spelling homework. Tiger is curled up on the armchair softly snoring.

"Okay, spell friend."

"F R E N D."

"Not quite try again."

"Friend. Um... F R I E N D."

"Yes! Good girl!" Veronica praises then looks down the list for the next one, "Spell..."

She is interrupted by the phone ringing, Lilliana gasps bouncing in her chair, "Is it, daddy? Is it, V? Is it? Is it?"

Chuckling, Veronica gets up to answer it, "Hold on Lil. Hello?" A smile spreads across her face, "Hello love," There's a pause then she speaks again, "Yes, she's bouncing on the chair at the table."

Pulling the phone from her ear, Veronica holds it out to the girl, "All yours," She grins.

Racing from the table, Lilliana grabs the phone and jumps onto the arm of the armchair stirring Tiger, "Hi Daddy."

"Hello, Sweetpea. How's school been?" Veronica leaves the pair to chat and makes a start on dinner.

Originally Lilliana had not been happy when her dad went on tour and she couldn't go with him. With her now settled at school coming towards the end of Year 1 he didn't want to pull her out of school, but John has been calling her every other day and it's helped her feel better about him being away.

The silver lining has been that Veronica and Lilliana have been spending lots of time together and strengthening the mother-daughter bond that has grown between them. Though Lilliana doesn't call her mum, she listens and treats Veronica as though she is.

She zones back in as Lilliana asks her dad a new question, "When are you coming home?"

"Soon Lil. We have a gig tonight, tomorrow and then we'll be home Friday, not long at all," He can't wait to see them both again, as much as he loves being on tour, family is his where his heart is, "Now can I talk to Ronnie, please?"

"Yeah okay," She huffs, "Love you," She hands the phone back to Veronica and goes to the table where her homework has been put away and dinner is ready.

Following the phone call, the days drag for Lilliana, Friday come around but the day went by painfully slow. When the bell rings at 3 o'clock, she rushes out of the school building with Poppy and Tiger. She waves bye to her friend and finds Veronica in the crowd of people, "Is he home yet?"

Veronica doesn't say anything but turns to the car a couple of feet behind her and John gets out of the car, "Daddy!" She squeals and runs over to him letting go of Tiger's lead, "I missed you."

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