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So this story is coming towards its end now. The chapters are going to move quickly with just four chapters left following this one.

For anyone that is not used to English school words, a Tutor Group is the same as a Form Group or Homeroom.

Taking a couple of days to catch up with Lilliana and the Twins, Rami and Lillina start looking for houses in the area and Rami is job hunting too.

"How was the interview?" She spies him through her vanity mirror as she brushes her hair. It's his third interview that week.

Removing his tie, he smiles, "I got the job."

"Really?!" She turns in her chair to look at him, "They give it to you while you were there?"

"Yep, I have to start next week so I can start class prep, timetables and so on. They said I'll be on the newly qualified teachers' salary which is £28000 a year for the first year then a raise to the qualified teachers' salary which is £30000 a year next September."

"I'm so proud of you babe," She pulls him down by his shirt for a well-deserved kiss, "Well I have news of my own, I spoke to an estate agent this morning and we are going to view a couple of properties this afternoon."

"What time?"

"In 45 minutes so change from your teacher look," She stands to his height with her heels on and tugs at the lapels of his jacket, "To my fiancé please."

"Hmm..." He gives a playful glare, "You seemed to like it this morning," He reminds her of the steamy love session they had first thing that morning, removing his jacket at the same time.

"And that is why I asked you to change, I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off you," With that tease, she leaves him to his thoughts and heads downstairs.

How he wishes they were in their own place right now, he certainly wouldn't have let her go so easily.

At John's offer, they leave the twins with their Grandpa while Rami and Lilliana go house hunting.

It's a very rare occasion that John is home alone, but the rest of his children are at school and Veronica is meeting with some friends so he's happily spending some time with his grandchildren.

Said settled happily in his bassinet promptly falling asleep but Katie wouldn't settle so he lifts her out, "Is it attention you want? Hmm..?" He mutters holding her against his chest and planting a soft kiss on her forehead, "Come on then Sweetpea."

Leaving Said in the study with the baby monitor on, he takes the other monitor into the living room with them. He puts Katie down on her tummy time mat while he has a quick tidy-up of the room.

As he cleans away the last of the toy on the floor he notes Katie babbling to herself, grinning he sits on the floor beside her gaining her attention, "What are you babbling about?" He coos.

Picking her up he props her up against his legs, letting her hold onto his fingers with her tiny hands. Cooing away to her, he realises how much he misses his girls as babies. Laura is still a full daddy's girl, of course, something he adores but Lilliana, while she is still a daddy's girl has her own independent life now.

Despite having Rami's dark hair and skin colour, he can see a lot of Lilliana in Katie, he wonders if this is what his eldest looked like as a baby.

Veronica comes home while John is talking to his granddaughter, "Having fun?" She smiles. It's a sight she saw often when Laura was a baby.

With a toothy grin on his face, he leans his head back to look at his wife, "Of course. We were just deciding on what to have for lunch."

"Let me get, cheese on toast?"

"Nothing better, " He confirms focus turned back to Katie as she squeals for his attention, "See, she agrees."

Rolling her eyes, Veronica hears Said start to cry, "Okay... while you teach our granddaughter the diet of a uni student, I'll go tend to our grandson."

Giggling to herself as she walks to the study, she knows her husband will miss Katie once Lilliana and Rami move into their own place.

Both grandparents sit the twins in their high chairs to enjoy a treat of mashed-up bananas while they have some lunch.

The twins make quite a mess of their meal, while Katie only has to have her hands and mouth wiped, Said requires a bath. He got it everywhere, face, clothes, hands and even his hair.

"Well at least you enjoyed some of it, Buddy," John lefts Said from his high chair, "I think you need a bath. We'll leave your sister with Grandma for a bit."

Setting up the baby bath in the bathtub, he fills it with warm water then changes his grandson out of his baby grow finding more mashed-up bananas inside, "Did you eat any of your lunch Mister or were you planning on saving all it for later?" He tickles his tummy making Said giggle.

Said coos and babbles at his grandpa as he bathes him, John does his best to reply to the conversation, grinning the entire time.

He never believed Grandpa was next on the cards for him, he honestly thought there would be more children first but he adores the twins and he wouldn't have it any other way. He'll struggle to let them go when they move out.

While he's putting Said's clean baby grow on he hears the front door open followed by Lilliana and Rami's voices greeting Veronica and Katie.

"Oh... your Mummy and Daddy are home," He does the last popper up, "Let's go see them."

Lilliana takes Said from her dad when he comes into the kitchen, "Hello baby boy," She kisses his cheek cooing at him, "You smell good, have you had a bath?"

"Yep, courtesy of me," John admits, "They tried mashed-up banana for lunch but Said managed to get it everywhere including inside his baby grow."

Laughing, Lilliana breathes in the scent of the baby shampoo, "That's okay your still learning. Did you have fun with Grandpa?" She coos some more walking away from John.

At dinner, Lilliana and Rami informed them that they've put an offer down on a house. The next morning they get a phone call to say the offer has been accepted.

I felt John needed to spend some time with his grandchildren so I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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