Facing Fears

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I'm sorry this is such a small filler chapter. I wrote this during my major writer's block and before my break, that's why it is so short.

A couple of days after the stabbing Lilliana was released from the Hospital and Freddie went back to England after Lilliana convinced him to reconnect with Queen.

Lilliana was given the okay to go back to Uni and work as long as she takes it easy. But that's easier said than done when Lilliana is to scared leave the apartment.

She won't go out with Azalea, not with Rami and certainly not on her own, she's simply too anxious.

Not wanting her to suffer in silence, Rami has come over to try and help her while Azalea is at uni.

"So where are we going?" Lilliana asks, nervously standing beside her boyfriend in the lift.

Rami squeezes her hand and then kisses the back of it, "I thought we could go for some lunch in Central Park at your favourite cafe?"

"It's been a while since we had a proper date I suppose," She tries to distract herself by talking to him but when the lift door opens she back up into the corner feeling a tightness in her chest.

"Hey," He gently guides her out of the lift and then stops cupping her face as she begins to panic, "It's okay. He's locked away, your safe. I'm here but even without me, I know you can do this on your own."

"It's stupid isn't it?" She's so surprised but also grateful that the Uni hasn't withdrawn her scholarship by now with the amount of time she's had off, they've been very understanding of what has gone on in the past few months and work just believe she still hasn't been cleared to go back to work yet, "I want to go out like I used to but the moment I see the street..."

"It's not stupid, Lil. You were stabbed while walking home, I don't think anyone would blame you for being anxious. The thing to do now is not let it control you, take a few deep breaths," He instructs her, "And when that tightness has eased, we'll go."

Nodding she slowly walks towards the door, Rami with her every step of the way.

"You off anywhere nice Miss Deacon?" Charlie smiles as they reach the door somewhat aware that Lilliana has been too anxious to leave since leaving the hospital.

"Yes, Rami and I are going for lunch in Central Park."

"A lovely day for it too. You look after her Mr Malek, she's a special one," He taps the brim of his hat and holds the door open for them.

"Oh I will," Rami returns the smile then beam wider as Charlie's direction worked as Lilliana stepped out the door without thinking, "You did it, babe," He kisses her hand again then tugs her down the street, "We'll take the walk slowly if you want?"

"No, I think I'm okay," She breathes in the fresh winter air, "But can we maybe leave the subway for later."

"Of course, the park isn't that much further without using it anyway."

They make it to the park just after noon by which time Lilliana's nerves have faded and she's felt like she was on just a normal date.

While eating Rami, has a thought, "Would you be willing to come to L.A to meet my mum and siblings?"

"On one condition," If he wants her to meet his family then it must mean he wants to take this relationship as seriously as she does.

"Name it."

"You come and meet mine too."

Grinning he nods, "I'd love to," They make plans from there agreeing to meet his parents during the Easter holidays then Rami will go to London for the summer, starting with Live Aid since Lilliana wants to go.

Keeping her distracted on the way home, they tackle her fear of the subway to shorten the journey home and get her comfortable with it, though a little paranoid while travelling on the train itself, she did it and when they got back to the apartment she couldn't be more proud of herself.

She is met inside the apartment by Azalea hugging her tight, "You did it! You left the apartment!"

"Yep," Lilliana grins, "We went for lunch in Central Park and then we did the subway back," She's glad she was able to do it, it means she can get back to work and uni, she's missed so much already.

"I think we should have that movie night with pizza to celebrate," Azalea suggests.

"Yes, Rami why don't you call Joe and tell him to come and join us? You've been trying to get us to meet him for ages but life has been in the way," It's about time she met his best mate.

Rami did just that and Joe arrive shortly after, "Joe, this is my girlfriend, Lilliana and her flatmate Azalea. Lily, Azzy, this is Joe, my best mate and flatmate."

"Pleasure to meet you, Joe," She looks him over and immediately sees her dad staring back at her, "I'm sorry it's taken so long." It freaks her out how much he looks like her dad but she stays silent on the matter.

"Not your fault from what I hear, life not been the nicest to you," His serious tone turns goofy, making her laugh, "Now I hear we're having pizza and a movie night, so you order the pizza, Rami and I will pick the films."

Joe quickly becomes comfortable around the girls and bickers with Azalea like siblings over what to watch first. The four eventually settle in for a night on the sofas. Lilliana couldn't help smiling with Rami's arms around her, it makes her feel so safe and loved. She hopes that her bad luck will leave her alone.

Joe is, of course, Joe Mazzello. He's not going to be a big character in this book but he'll pop up from time to time.

 He's not going to be a big character in this book but he'll pop up from time to time

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