Meeting the Family: Part 1

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*Smut warning* As always these three stars *** will appear just before the scene if you want to skip over it.

April 1985

Life got back to normal for Lilliana after she started back at work and Uni and with it, the first four months of 1985 flew by and uni broke up for Easter.

As agreed, Lilliana is going to Rami's parents for Easter and she can't help feeling nervous as their plane comes to land. Rami nudges his girlfriend from her anxiety-filled brain, squeezing her hand, "You alright?"

"Just nervous," She leans into him, head on his shoulder, "What if they don't like me?"

"They'll love you, Lil," He kisses her hairline, "When I told my mum I was bringing you home with me for Easter, she was so excited. You get to meet my twin brother and my older sister too."

"I am looking forward to meeting them, I just want them to like me."

"They will, I promise."

They land at the airport and take a taxi, Rami points out places as they go, his old school, places he'd hang out with friends etc...

Soon they turn onto a quiet suburban street and Lilliana knows they're nearly there. She squeezes Rami's hand when they stop outside one of the houses, "Ready?" He smiles squeezing back.

She nods and Rami gets out getting their bags while Lilliana gets out admiring the house in front of her. Turning to grab her suitcase handle, the front door opens and a young woman not much older than Rami comes out to them and wraps him in a hug, "Hiya sis," He hugs back grinning.

Stepping apart she turns to Lilliana, "You must be the famous Lily we've heard so much about. Nice to finally meet you, I'm Yasmine, Rami's older sister," Yasmin pulls her inside leaving Rami with all the bags once more.

Inside Yasmine introduces Lilliana to her mum Nelly and Rami's twin brother Sami. This time Lilliana is the one grinning seeing the brothers in the same room, "That's gonna take some getting used to."

"Just make sure you're kissing the right person," Sami teases getting a smack to the head from Nelly but making Lilliana laugh, Rami had warned her of the comments Sami comes out with sometimes.

"Oh don't worry, you might be twins but I can spot the differences," She couldn't at first but the longer she looks at them both the more differences she can make out.

"Sorry about Sami," Rami chuckles showing her upstairs to his bedroom, "He likes to tease."

"It's fine, I have three little brothers remember? I'm used to being teased," She looks around his room before looking back at him when he doesn't answer to find him staring at her, "What?" She grins.

"Your so beautiful," He admits making her blush, he lessens the gap between them cupping her face before closing the gap entirely, kissing her lips, "Thank you for coming to meet my family."

"I'm glad to be here," They pull apart and unpack, once Lilliana is done, she ventures downstairs without Rami leaving him to catch up with his brother.

She finds Nelly in the kitchen cooking dinner by the looks of it, "Do you need any help, Mrs Malek?"

"Oh call me Nelly please," The woman smiles over her shoulder, "And absolutely not. You are a guest in this house."

Lilliana moves closer and sits on one of the bar stools tucked under the breakfast bar, "Can I ask what you're making?"

"Fatteh, it's an Egyptian recipe and a favourite of Rami's."

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