High School

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Guys, I'm so sorry I've only just realised that I completely forget to update last Sunday. I came down with a bad cold the day before and spent most of the day asleep it wasn't until I came to update today that I realised I forgot, so sorry again.

September 1979

A shaking of her shoulder woke Veronica from her sleep, letting her eyes adjust she finds the cause to be Lilliana standing beside the bed, "Lily?" She rubs the sleep from her eyes, glancing at the bedside clock, 6:03am, "What's the matter?"

The lower talking stirs John, "What's going on?"

"I'm sorry," Lilliana sniffles holding her abdomen, "But my tummy hurts and I'm bleeding, my bedsheets have blood on them too."

"Oh Lily," Veronica relaxes though feeling guilty for forgetting to have this conversation with her before it happened.

8 months after Michael was born Veronica found out she was pregnant again and on the 25th of June 1979, Laura Deacon was born giving Lilliana the sister she wanted. But having a 2-month-old, an 18-month-old, a 4-year-old and an 11-year-old on her hands, keeps Veronica very busy.

"It's okay, love," She throws the covers aside and leads her daughter to the bathroom, "We need to have a chat."

Giving Veronica and Lilliana time to have a much-needed mother-daughter talk, John gets up with Laura when she starts crying. When Veronica goes downstairs around an hour later, Robert and Michael are sitting at the kitchen table eating their breakfast and Laura is finishing off her bottle in John's hold.

"Thank you, love," Veronica kisses John's cheek as she passes to the utility and puts the washing she is carrying in the washing machine, she comes back and puts the kettle on.

She turns away from the kettle while it boils with a sigh, "I feel so guilty for not having that conversation sooner," She admits.

John takes the empty bottle away from Laura's lips and brings her up to his shoulder to burp her, "Don't put yourself down. You've had a lot on your plate and I haven't helped by being on tour," He does enjoy being on tour but he misses his family while he is away and feels guilty leaving it all to Veronica.

"I still should have remembered though, I'm her mum," She turns back to the kettle making them both a coffee, "It's a big thing for a girl, her first cycle it can be so scary if you don't know what it is. I thought I was dying the first time I had mine and I did have the talk with my mum beforehand."

"Is she a bit better now?" He'll go up and see if she's okay in a bit but he could tell she was a little embarrassed to tell Veronica what was wrong once he was listening.

"I think so. The school did have a lesson with the girls in her year before the summer holidays started so she understood once I said what it was and I went into a bit more detail. After I remade her bed, I gave her some painkillers for the tummy ache and told her to go back to sleep for a while," After making their coffees she puts the remaining hot water in Lilliana's hot water bottle, "Tiger was laying on top of her when I left the room, acting as her hot water bottle."

Tiger is now officially just a house pet, he still looks after Lilliana more than the other children but Lilliana came off her meds at the beginning of the year and had a few brain scans following that. Dr Melrose got the results a few days later and decreed that Lilliana has grown out of her epilepsy.

She does still need to be wary that there is a chance of it coming back in later life but it's a low chance. "At least she has today and tomorrow to get through the worst of it before she starts high school on Monday."

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